Weekend + Workout Recap


It was a lovely weekend, one full, fun day and one do-nothing chill day. And of course today (Monday) is still the weekend! I am so thrilled to have an extra day off.

All this is great, but I’m still struggling to get a goddamn thing done. My house is a shambles. I have so much work to do. I’ve barely been working out. And yet, the only think I want to do is listen to audiobooks while I play games on my phone, read a real book or watch TV. That is pretty much all I did yesterday.

Actually I wrote that and then remembered that I worked out and changed all the beds and did a ton of laundry. Sure there was a ton of other stuff I could have done, but I didn’t do nothing.

The two SketchFest shows on Saturday were great. Julie Hegarty couldn’t make it to the live read of Airplane! (she had to be evacuated because of the fires in LA), but the cast was incredible and the show was amazing. We all laughed a lot. It was definitely fun to see it with my parents, who I know appreciated the event. We went out for a later lunch after, then they picked up the kids after the dropped me off at home.

That night we went to a friend (from the dojo)’s birthday downtown. He is my rank and one of the two people I’ve been training with a lot this past year. I was excited for my husband to meet some of my dojo community, because he is never really there and doesn’t know any of them. It was a perfect introduction for him – short and low stakes.

We left the party early to see Chris Flemming at the Great American Music Hall. His stand up show was incredible. I haven’t laughed that hard, for that long, in a many years. I’m so glad we saw that show.

Sunday we didn’t do a goddamn thing until 4:30ish when the kids came home. I did end up changing the all the beds and doing even more laundry (I have done SO MUCH laundry this weekend). Today I’m taking the kids to the Great Highway for a run/bike ride. I haven’t run since the break (two weeks!) and I’m hoping I don’t feel like shit on a shoe. It’s only four miles, so I’ll make it regardless (I finished my five days of antibiotics this morning, and I am feeling better, so fingers crossed). UPDATE: I ran and the weather was beautiful and I was happy to be outside, but I did not feel great. Maybe it will never feel good to run again?)


M: Strong Glutes Program Week 1: Routine 1 (she recommends you repeat weeks 1 and 2) + 15 min Hip Mobility w/ Hannah Corbin

Tu: Sparring concepts + Sparring

W: 45 mins Intervals & Arms w/ Tunde + 10 min Stability Ball Ab Workout

Th: Strong Glutes Program Week 1: Routine 2

F: 40 mins on the Elliptical + CG Dead Bug Routine


Su: 10 min Tabata ride w/ Tunde + 10 mins Arms & Shoulders w/ Jess Sims + 10 min Stability Ball workout + Strong Glutes Program Week 2: Routine 3.


  1. It sounds like you got a lot done. I’m glad you’re on the mend, even if you still didn’t have a great run. I hope you are able to get back to loving it.

    Also glad you had fun at your sketchfests! what a fun weekend.

  2. I forget how much laundry a household of 4 can create. Takes a BUNCH of interrupted time and precludes focusing on other areas in depth because you are constantly changing your chain of thought and having to stay alert for the next switch.
    Glad you got out with the kids in the open air. That IS good for all of you. No idea which part of running is being tough but that might help you find a way to change your response. Other runners might have suggestions.
    Great that you were able to go out for pleasure and laugh with pleasure. Hope the four day week goes smoothly at school for everyone.

    1. Ohhh. Changing my response. I like that. I will admit that day I tried really hard to revel in the beauty of the day and that helped me not wallow in feeling shitty yet again. Maybe I’ll only run on beautiful days so I can keep that up. 🤣

  3. Are the glute exercises helping your piriformis? Maybe something is still off and that’s why running doesn’t feel great.
    Maybe you really, really needed a day to be lazy, play on your phone and read. It’s not like your life has been easy lately. But I know how, after one day of that, the house practically falls apart. You skip laundry for two days and suddenly you have 20 loads… it’s makes no sense, but it’s always like that.

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