Wins, small and big

First of all, seeing Chappell Roan at Outside Lands was phenomenal. Her performance was amazing, the crowd was INSANE (the largest crowd ever recorded at Outside Lands), and we all had the best time. I am so, SO glad that I got to go.

Chappell Roan looking fine in her “Hot to go” outfit!
So many fans with so many phones.
80,000 people were there to see her. The crowd was intense.

And now, some other wins, both small and not so small, that I’m trying to appreciate right now.

  • Our Gap order came really early, which means I was able to start the returns for my daughter’s jeans (too big) and my son’s school shirts (too small) today, AND order replacements while the sale was still going on. Luckily, the only thing that did fit was my pair of $10 final-sale vegan leather black pants. Woot!
  • I was able to set up a new cell line on my daughter’s old Apple Watch. Sure, my husband had to get the number changed from a Philadelphia area code (WHY?!) to an SF area code, but otherwise, I managed it. I’m really bad at stuff like that, so I’m considering it a win.
  • I was able to return a pair of Nike’s I bought for my son in mid-July (but we hadn’t opened yet because they are WHITE), so he could pick out his first pair of Air Jordan’s today. They were on sale but still VERY expensive. He better not have a crazy growth spurt in the next few months.
  • I was REALLY bummed out that I forgot to bring my friend’s birthday card to the dojo on Saturday so I could leave it in her locker, but it ended up being a nice to have to walk there this afternoon. We even dropped the Gap stuff off at UPS on the way into the Mission. It was sunny for the whole (4+ mile) walk and we did a nice combo of listening to our audiobook (sharing my AirPods) and chatting. Oh, and that is when we got the new shoes.
  • At the end of the walk, my son practiced walking home from school by himself. I walked about two blocks behind him, and could see him most of the time. He did a great job, and feels confident that he can walk home by himself next week. (Right now he’s on the wait list for three afternoons a week at aftercare, and I will admit I kind of don’t want him to get in, so we can stop paying them at all. My husband feels differently. We’ll see what happens.) I can’t believe how mature my youngest child is now. We’re entering a whole new area.
  • I got my allergy shot this morning, followed by my bi-annual pap smear. The two appointments were at two different Kaiser buildings, but the timing was perfect for me to drive from one to the other. Oh, and my ADHD medication was actually refilled last Friday when I ordered it. That hasn’t happened in AGES. So it was all ready for me to pick up this morning. Hooray!
  • Speaking of appointments, two teeth cleanings opened up this Wed morning, the literal last day of my summer break, so I can take the kids in together before school starts. I had to cancel their cleanings in April and the rescheduled appointment was in October, which was basically six months after the one I cancelled. I’m glad we got in before school starts.
  • I was also able to get an appointment for my daughter Wed afternoon to be checked so we can refill her ADHD meds AND get her high school sports form filled out. We won’t be seeing her regular pediatrician, but it’s the guy who saw us while our regular Ped was on mat leave so at least he’s not a total stranger. ( We just saw our reg Ped at the start of the summer, to get a camp physical filled out, so it’s not such a bummer to miss her this time.)
  • I remembered to text my friend before her medical procedures today, and to text my other friend on her birthday. I also texted two other people with birthdays today (three birthdays on the same day!) It felt good to actually remember to show up for people, even in small ways. I’ve been so scattered and distracted lately, I was worried I was going to forget.
  • Tomorrow (Tuesday) I’m taking my son to the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk because we don’t have anything planned and I we need to use our value season passes once more to make them worth it. The value passes don’t work on weekends, so a random Tuesday before schools starts it is!

And now it’s technically Tuesday, so I’m going to put this bad boy up. I’m sure I’m forgetting something (I’m ALWAYS forgetting something these days), but I’m determined that actually pressing “publish on this, will not be what I forget.

{I almost forgot! I went to upload the photos to WordPress and then got distracted and was heading to bed when I realized I never hit publish! This is my life now. My brain is seriously broken.}


  1. Your brain isn’t broken- while I was reading this I was marveling over how much you have going on and how well you’re handling it! The start of school is SO HARD. My husband is depressed about it, and my brother in law actually said he’s “despondent.” My daughter was initially excited to start (our public schools started on Monday) but now we’re already dealing with drama- social, and also she wants to change one of her classes. So… this time of year is difficult.
    Good luck! I’m gathering that you all start back next Monday? You can do it!

    1. But it feels so broken!!! Ugh, my daughter is also trying to change classes! It’s such a PITA. They put her in Spanish 1 instead of 2 (she was in an immersion program from K-5). She also got Orchestra, even though she has never played an instrument. I’m sure she got it because the program is brand new and they need students in the class. I’m not so worried about Orchestra (maybe she’ll like it!) but if they don’t fix Spanish ASAP I’ll be so annoyed.

      I hope your husband starts feeling better about the school year starting. I’m not excited about it, but I’m no depressed or despondent.

  2. Transition periods are so difficult, aren’t they? This summer to back-to-school period has everyone’s schedules and rhythms out of sorts.

    In my own personal news, the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon is real. I just heard about Chappell Roan for the first time on a podcast last week and then I read her name in your first line and it’s such a weird thing, isn’t it? Clearly she’s been around for a while (HUGE CROWD), but I’m over here living my life without knowing anything about her and suddenly she’s everywhere!

    1. She definitely got REALLY big REALLY fast. I think a lot of people don’t know who she is yet but those who do LOVE her. They are locked in, as my daughter likes to say.
      I wish I could comment on your blog. I just read Suzanne said she couldn’t until she used Chrome, so I’m going g to try that. Chrome is where I’m logged in to my work account but maybe I can find a workaround.

  3. Phew you have so much going on, so much to think about… I think you’ve been doing remarkably well 🙂

    I had to chuckle about NGS’s mentioning of the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon because I had the exact same thing happen to me recently.

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