10 Abbreviated Days

You may have noticed in my last post that I mentioned my kids going back to school (two short days a week) at the end of April. My son will start the week of April 19th. My daughter will start the week of April 26th. Their school year ends on June 2nd.

Because of some Mondays off (for my son), they both will get 10 days in their classrooms. 10 abbreviated days. For the entire 20-21 school year.

If you had told me, last March 13th, that in the next 15 months my kids would be at school for 10 days, I don’t know what I would have done.

I know many children will never enter a classroom this year. I know so many students are struggling.

What my kids are getting is not much, but something, even a very small something, is better than nothing. So many kids are getting nothing. They are getting nothing at home and they won’t get to go back to school. How does anyone expect these kids to catch up?

My kids get 10 abbreviated days. I’ll take it.


  1. Thank you for sharing the facts. They are worse than what I had understood would be occurring. And, yes, even 10 abbreviated days with some of their peers will help. But glory be that is wrong as bars and restaurants opened. What a commentary of the value and importance of children and education.

  2. I’m sorry. We also have some thing resembling school in by that kids are inside the buildings but it’s pretty disappointing how much it seems to be virtual school just at another location. My daughter has made several comments that I interpret as the kids in person school are supporting actors for the performance the teacher is putting on for virtual school. Not that I blame her, she’s amazing and doing her best, it’s just not remotely a real kindergarten experience and she won’t ever be able to have another shot at that. I really hope they are planning to work on some of the social training and experience that is normally done in kindergarten (this is how we work in a group etc) in first grade because it’s not happening now.

    I do think it’s positive that everyone gets to see how incredibly bad this hybrid set up is (i know our teacher agrees!) so hopefully it will be off the table for the fall. That would serve some purpose at least.

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