A balm for my soul

I just wanted to check in after that super downer post last night to say I’m doing a lot better today. Last week was a little more than I could handle and by the end I was spiraling (as you could probably tell from my post).

But last night I cleaned up the laundry area and much of the rest of the garage. I also did a bunch of laundry and cleared and dusted most of the surfaces downstair. This morning I did my regular cleaning (shaking out rugs, sweeping and vacuuming) and laundry and also changed the kids’s sheets. I still have more to do, but it’s feeling manageable again.

I also arranged for my son to be with a friend yesterday (the kids had off for Lunar New Year) which means I don’t need to make sure my husband has protected work time tomorrow. I feel much more confident that I’ll be able to get everything done tomorrow. Or at least enough of it.

I also pulled out some clothes to pack! That was fun, and probably the first real prepping I’ve done for the actual trip, which start this coming Friday!

The real mood booster was running on the Great Highway today. It was sunny and almost felt warm for the first time in weeks. I took my kids and my son’s friend (the one he was with all yesterday), so being in the sun and exercising was also taking the kids out for some movement and saying thank you to my son’s friends parents for all the coverage on Friday. It felt like a real win.

Kite over the ocean.

Lest you think all I am doing all weekend is cleaning my house, I did watch an episode of Twin Peaks with my daughter, and then an episode of True Detective by myself (I’m watching season 3, because I can’t manage waiting for new episodes of things to come out these days). And right now I’m heading to watch a movie with people from the dojo. I’m bringing my furikake popcorn, which is always a crowd pleaser.

One more shot from the Great Highway. It was a balm for my soul today.

Sorry for all the negativity yesterday. Work had been hard and I’m not managing it super well with all I’m trying to do at home. But soon we’ll be on our trip and it will all feel worthwhile.


  1. I meant to ask yesterday, but have you pushed DH to get some outside VitD time when he’s feeling so down? It’s so hard to motivate to do when you feel like that, but as you know he’ll likely feel much better and get out of slumps more quickly if he gets out even for a 15 minute walk in the sunshine when he’s down in the dumps. I hope you can encourage him (and that he’ll listen) to get some physical activity and fresh air like you’re so good at prioritizing for yourself now! Happy to hear you’re feeling better today.

  2. Don’t apologize. We all have down days and I hope it made you feel better to put it all into writing. I am so glad the run was such great ‘therapy’ for you .The pictures are gorgeous!

  3. Glad you got out in the sunshine and hope this coming week at work is smooth. The blue skies and warmth when in the sun Saturday really was nice.
    Getting packing underway should help make it real that you will actually be getting away, hopefully to sunshine and no stress!

  4. Here’s a big giant hug! I’m glad you found some ways to cope, but it’s also okay to admit you’re overwhelmed and sit with that sometimes, too.

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