A Hot Mess

I am a mess right now. This week is absolutely kicking my ass.

I come here to write, but I can barely keep my thoughts together in my head, let alone corral them into a post. I just can’t do it right now.

I am so incredibly distracted. Today I walked to my car with my bag, realized I didn’t have my keys, left my bag next to my car (on the sidewalk, near the passenger side), walked back to my classroom and got my keys, walked back down to my car, got in on the driver’s side and drove away. It wasn’t until I wanted water that I realized my bag wasn’t there. I was almost on the freeway. Luckily the bag (with my work computer) was still there when I got back. I “only” lost 30 minutes on that epic brain fart, but it could have been so, so much worse.

I can’t believe it’s only Thursday. The week has been so, so long. I cannot wait for tomorrow afternoon, but I also know the weekend will be way too short.

I can’t remember if the beginning of the year always feels this awful, but I’m really, really struggling. Things should be great. I have my classroom back! My son isn’t in preschool anymore! Both my kids are asleep by 8:30 every night because they are exhausted! But I’m in this horrible head space that I can’t shake. It’s a vague feeling of dread; I can’t even determine where it’s coming from.

I keep telling myself that it’s just the beginning of the school year and it will get better. I don’t actually know if that’s the case, but I’m faking it until I need to reassess.

Sorry this post provides no updates on things I’ve written about lately (*cough* car situation *cough*). I hope to post something on that stuff soon.


  1. Hugs and caring and support. Things settle down and become regularized. Hang on. This is huge change/transition time. Going back to work, back to school for kids, ALL the other things happening around us, being post amazing vacation trips, resetting everyone’s clocks and needs. Major car/money issues Lots of deep breathing in and out and repeating.
    It will smooth out in time. Hang in, you are normal and distracted and pushed and we all understand and support you!

  2. Solidarity! I don’t start teaching until after Labor Day and my brain did a 180 a couple days ago — I’ve barely been sleeping and I’m SO distracted. I went to yoga a couple days ago and noticed that at least five different times I had missed the instructor’s cue and was doing a different pose than the rest of the class. So, yeah, I’m sure it’s not JUST back to school but wanted to offer assurance that you’re not the only one. Hang in there…

  3. I think transitions are really hard sometimes! Even if it’s all good, things change – and the automatic routines you have somehow get turned upside down.

    Hang in there!

  4. I’m sorry. Here’s hoping that you will feel better once you are back in a routine, which will be soon.

  5. I’m thrilled to have our routine back, but it’s not seeming to come to me naturally. Kids in school = sanity for me, but I feel like I’m floating around, looking for that place that feels right to me. I’m hoping next week is better.

    I went into the garage yesterday morning and my car door was wide open from the evening before. I’m at a loss how that happened – I didn’t come in carrying anything the night before! Losing my mind!

  6. I’m sorry. I can relate. I’m totally overwhelmed at work, my husband was on a work trip for 3 days and that didn’t help, also sleep deprivation. I’m having a hard time getting things done at work and am generally feeling like a failure at the moment. Hope things get easier for you and me both!

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