A little relief

It wasn’t so hot yesterday. And it was a minimum day so I didn’t have students during the hottest hours. It all offered a little relief, which I welcomed.

I’m kind of struggling this week. I feel like I’m all over the place. I can’t seem to get on top of things. Or to feel like I am on top of them. It feels like I’m constantly trying to round up a bunch of papers that are scattering in the wind.

I keep reminding myself that it’s only the third week of school. My kids started just a week before me. We’re all still getting used to our routines. We had no down time between our crazy summer and the school year. It’s normal that I feel kind of unmoored. I just need to keep at it and things will settle.

My son has another cold. His second in three weeks. My daughter is begging us for a phone. We don’t plan to get her one until she turns 13. It’s going to be a looooong year.

I’m already thinking about October. My son’s birthday and my kids’ Halloween costumes.

I’m so glad it’s already Thursday. I was wondering if the thing I like better about a day off is the longer weekend or the shorter work week. If I had to pick between working for four days and having a two day weekend (a six day week, basically) or working for five days and getting a three day weekend (an eight day week), which would I pick? I think the six day week. I like to cycle through things faster. And I think two days off would feel more restful every four days.

{I wonder where our seven day week came from. I feel like I read about it once, but I can’t remember. Definitely seems like a topic The Atlantic would tackle in way too many words.}

We don’t get another day off for a month or so. I think it’s October 10th we get off for “Local Holiday” (Indigenous Peoples Day in the city, and Columbus Day most everywhere else).

I’m a little frustrated by how hard this week as been. I had such a good weekend. I wish it were lasting longer, the high of it. I’m sure the heat wave is not helping. Tuesday was really and truly awful. Yesterday was better, but still not great. It’s supposed to keep getting incrementally better, until things are almost back to normal this weekend. I’m not used to that. Usually our heat waves end quickly, with the rushing in of the fog one night. Waiting for incrementally lower temperatures over a week is very weird.

Actually, maybe I’m having a hard week BECAUSE the weekend was so fun. Maybe this is just the hand over.

We don’t have anything planned for this weekend, and I’m glad for that.

I”m doing a good job of heading to bed around 10pm, and reading until 11pm when, I’m usually tired enough to fall asleep without taking anything. I hope I can keep doing that. I miss watching TV, but I enjoy the reading time and being able to fall asleep relatively easily.


  1. I’m going with God + the Mayans created the 7 day week. 😉 Your comment about the Atlantic made me LOL though!

    Have you ever considered anxiety meds or something to help you not feel so spun out all the time? I feel like the struggles you describe are “normal” as well, but you rarely seem to NOT be feeling them, which makes me wonder if something would help that. Just a thought.

    Hang in there -the heat wave is passing and the weekend is approaching!

    1. You know, I was just wondering if I should consider retooling my ADHD meds. But I have not had great experiences with anti-depressants or anti-anxiety meds. Maybe I should look into trying them out again.
      I honestly feel like I’ve been doing pretty well. I don’t write here as much when things are great. So probably my blog isn’t the greatest record of my actual mental state. 😉 Or maybe it is!

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