
Yesterday was a bummer day. I got into a fender bender on the way to work, and even though the other car barely had a line on the bumper, the guy asked for my insurance info. The front of our car was cracked (it’s made out of plastic) but I will probably not fix it if insurance doesn’t get involved. I really, really hope insurance doesn’t get involved.

It was hot down by work and my run sucked. I didn’t have time to make it to the coast, which was a disappointment.

The news cycle right now is at turns infuriating and terrifying. I really do not have the words for how disappointed I am in this country. I feel like everything I was taught as a child was a bald faced lie. I really do not know how to engage with any of it anymore.

I also spent a bunch of money on teacher appreciate gifts. I really hate this week (and weekend) because I feel like as a parent and a daughter I put in way more effort toward my kids’ teachers and my mom than my own students’ families and my kids/husband put toward me. I don’t need someone to specifically appreciate me for Teacher Appreciation Week or Mother’s Day, but it’s hard when I feel obligated to do so myself and others clearly don’t feel obligated to do so towards me. Obviously, I can stop feeling obligated, but that isn’t who I want to be. It’s just not a week (or day) that I very much appreciate.

I didn’t get much sleep on Sunday and Monday nights, and I was determined to make up some of that last night. I took a sleep aid and even listened to a 20 minutes “sleep tight” meditation at 10pn when I went to bed, but I was still awake 11:30pm when my husband came in, climbed under the covers and immediately started snoring. It was a really frustrating two hours trying to fall asleep, and now I’m more exhausted than I was before.

Today is a rough day at work, and now I’m really tired and have far less patience than I need to get through my five classes with no prep. The only silver lining is that I don’t have to ferry any kids anywhere this afternoon.

Some days are just bummers and you have to stand up and dust yourself off. Yesterday was one of those days. Today probably won’t be much better. I just hope I can get some better sleep tonight and that tomorrow is finally a relief.


  1. Louisiana legislature.
    QUITE clear.
    Please vote and help get voters to turn out.

    I remember before …. I have known women with ectopic pregnancies…. I have known women who had incomplete miscarriages…. I have know girls and women who were horribly assaulted and had consequences. What is the value of a living female life?

  2. I think it’s interesting that you say, “I can stop feeling obligated, but that isn’t who I want to be.” … but then go on to hate how much you hate it and don’t feel yourself personally that you need to be recognized that way. Do you have coworkers who feel loved/appreciated this way? It feels like a “love languages” thing that isn’t actually serving you (or others) perhaps because it’s done out of obligation instead of love? I dunno, just a thought. I’m also personally a Hallmark holiday hater, so the appreciation days for x, y, z always make me annoyed b/c I’m 100% not a gift giver in terms of love languages. We are all different. 🙂 Just trying to spitball ways to save you time and stress on this annual week since it doesn’t seem to spark any joy for you anyway!

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