We leave for St. Louis tomorrow morning, early. I packed our large suitcase and gave it to my parents today when I dropped them off at the airport. I’m ve...
We leave for St. Louis tomorrow morning, early. I packed our large suitcase and gave it to my parents today when I dropped them off at the airport. I’m ve...
Oh man, Monday was a long day. I was picked up at 5:30am to go to the airport and stepped into my own house at 11pm San Francisco time (1am Quito time). That is...
I’ve been meaning to write this post since early May, when it had actually been a year, but I never seemed to fall on this topic. Finally, it is time. It&...
I leave for Ecuador a week from tomorrow. I’m in a mild state of panic about it. Mostly I’m just nervous about the unknown. I haven’t been out...
My daughter and I are about to embark on a three-month anti-anxiety program. Will the parenting challenges never end? Yeah, I know, they don’t. First it w...
I’m struggling to write here lately. I’m not sure what to say. It all feels jumbled: unfinished ideas, stray thoughts that don’t fit, non-sequ...
I’ve had need, recently, to soak two pairs of jeans that I wear pretty frequently. Both had spots that I had treated but weren’t coming out, so I le...
This Sunday my son and I went to a “play date” at one of his friends’ houses from school. I put “play date” in quotation marks bec...
I have to admit, this horrible cold and its long term laryngitis aside, this are pretty decent right now. I mean yes, I’ve been really busy. And yes I fee...