So Many Balls in the Air
I have way too much going on right now, way too many things I’m trying to accomplish. There are simply not enough hours in the day for me to get all these...
I have way too much going on right now, way too many things I’m trying to accomplish. There are simply not enough hours in the day for me to get all these...
We leave for St. Louis tomorrow morning, early. I packed our large suitcase and gave it to my parents today when I dropped them off at the airport. I’m ve...
Oh man, Monday was a long day. I was picked up at 5:30am to go to the airport and stepped into my own house at 11pm San Francisco time (1am Quito time). That is...
I leave for Ecuador a week from tomorrow. I’m in a mild state of panic about it. Mostly I’m just nervous about the unknown. I haven’t been out...
{So yesterday’s post was not supposed to go up without some editing, but I messed up and it was published without that editing, so the timing was super co...
My interview was yesterday morning. I think it went okay. Probably better than the other one. I think the administrator really liked me. I don’t think the...
My daughter and I are about to embark on a three-month anti-anxiety program. Will the parenting challenges never end? Yeah, I know, they don’t. First it w...
This is my third straight week of craziness. And to top it all off, that sore throat and cold lingered until they became full fledged laryngitis. It’s so ...
Monday my throat was on fire. I felt like absolute crap. I almost always get sick right after a prolonged period of stress. It’s pretty incredible how the...
I know they say it takes a village to raise a child. I’m incredibly lucky to have something of a village in that both sets of grandparents live close by. ...