My daughter took a test with San Francisco Unified School District this weekend to determine her bilingual status. She passed! Those two words don’t do th...
My daughter took a test with San Francisco Unified School District this weekend to determine her bilingual status. She passed! Those two words don’t do th...
We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to talk about… my busted lady business! Oh yes, you read that, right. This is a post about my vag. I donR...
I have been entertaining a terrifying thought of late: What if I can’t be the person, or parent, I expect myself to be? What if it is simply, and inexorab...
{More on loneliness to come next week. Thank you all for your insightful comments on those posts.} It feels sometimes like the stakes are higher since I had kid...
Twice this week my daughter has asked for something and when I informed her that I didn’t know where that particular thing was, she told me it was fine. T...
So a funny thing happened the other day: I realized I didn’t want anymore kids. This might not seem like an Earth shattering revelation to some–espe...