Lit up like a Christmas Tree
It’s getting late pretty early now; we’re less than three weeks away from the shortest day. You might think this would be a good time to limit bike ...
It’s getting late pretty early now; we’re less than three weeks away from the shortest day. You might think this would be a good time to limit bike ...
What happens every morning, no matter how early I wake up or how quietly I tiptoe through the house: minutes after I sit down to scrawl my mornings pages, or wr...
Sunday night I was feeling really down in the dumps about going back to work. While I love writing and implementing new curriculum, the day to day is wearing me...
Last night my in-laws had our daughter over for a spend-the-night so we ordered Chinese food and enjoyed some cocktails and binge-watched three episodes West.wo...
I spent about an hour Saturday night falling down the rabbit hole of old posts. First I checked out November of 2014, then November of last year. I did NaBloPoM...
I started a tradition when my daughter was two of getting a set of ornaments each year with a character or characters she was really interested in. I have happi...
I feel like you pretty much have to put up a gratitude post on this day. And I do think writing out what I’m thankful for will help me getting into the Th...
I have several groups of friends that I text with on a regular basis. Each of these groups is an important part of my daily/weekly social interaction and I am v...
This year my school district is in session until the 23rd, which means there won’t be much time after we get out to buy Christmas presents. My mom is usin...
Yes it’s true that I’ve been happily dwelling in my echo chamber, and I need to step out of it if I want to be a part of the solution, but I will ad...