Colombia Día 2: Divercity

I’m posting on my phone so these will have to be short. Also, the WiFi here is so slow it is hard to post with a lot of pictures. And man do I have a lot of pictures.

Yesterday we went to a place I was really excited about, but that was so far away I didn’t know how we’d get there. We ended up on an epic bus trek that took well over an hour (the traffic in Bogotá is insane), but eventually we arrived.

The place I wanted to go was called Divercity. It’s a kids’ play place but like nothing I’ve ever seen in the States. The kids start by getting their own credit card and some cash. They can then spend their money on things (getting nails painted like my daughter did, or riding a boat like my son did), AND they can participate in a job for 15 minutes, with a group of kids (whoever is lined up to do it) and an adult leader. It was so very, very cool.

And it was all in Spanish! My kids had to listen — and speak — in Spanish to participate in the activities.

My daughter was a surgeon, a reporter, a baker, and a veterinarian.

My son was an EMT, an energy center worker, a baker, and a veterinarian.

It was a really fun place and I’m so excited we got to go. It was so awesome that we stayed for four hours. It was also near a mall so we went in to get a few things. By the time we were leaving it was dark! (They don’t do Daylight Savings Time here so it’s only 2 hours ahead but it gets dark by 7pm.)

It was really late when we got home, but the kids were absolute champs. I have been so impressed by their ability to navigate the crazy bus system with me, and walk fairly long distances. We are having a lot of fun.


  1. This looks amazing! (And I am floored by how grownup your kids have suddenly become!!) So glad you made it there safely & are enjoying yourselves!

  2. What a cool place! I’m glad you’re having so much fun! My kids totally loved navigating all the public transportation in Spain & France. It’s just different and fun. 🙂

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