Diagnostic System Wanted

I’ve spent the last two weeks (maybe more) managing a raspy throat, wondering when the actual cold is going to hit. But it never does. And then I remember that the same thing happened in the spring and I finally decided it was allergies. I even went back to my allergist, who I haven’t seen in years, to see what she thought. So maybe this is allergies? Except I don’t have many other symptoms (my eyes are fine) and everyone and their mother has a cough that sounds a lot like my raspy throat clearing. Maybe I’m not getting the full cough because I’ve had this particular bug before?

I just wish I knew. I wish I had a diagnostic system that could tell me what is going on, so I could commit to the appropriate treatment, instead of taking Umcka and Airborne for four days and then doubling down on Allegra and Nasacort for another four.

I get allergies shots already, so the thought that I could have symptoms like this again twice a year is a giant bummer. Maybe that is why I’m in such denial. And if I get retested at the allergy department, and they find a new allergen I need added to my shot, I have to go back to newbie status and get them twice and week and then once a week for I don’t even know how long. It’s been years since I had to go that regularly. I wonder how bad I’d have to feel to do that.

I told my son I wished I had a diagnostic system to tell me why I felt like I did (he has similar undiagnosable symptoms) and he said, why don’t you just wish you didn’t feel this way at all?

Touché my boy. Touché.


  1. Oh goodness, a diagnostic system to just TELL US WHAT IS GOING ON would be helpful so much of the time. And even more helpful would be to not have to deal with whatever crummy issue needs diagnosing in the first place. Touche indeed.

  2. I’ve realized in recent years, the medical system is – in many ways – a trial and error system. I mean, wouldn’t it be just awesome to have a diagnostic system that tells you what is wrong instead of “poking in the dark”, trying different things to see if something works? I am sorry you have to deal with these unexplained symptoms.

    1. It really is trial and error. I have some back issues and the doctor gave me a 24-hour anti-inflammatory to see if that manages the pain, which will I guess give them some indication of the problem. Except doesn’t a painkiller take away most pain? I’m really not convinced it’s a very good indicator. I’m certainly not taking it for a month like she suggested.

  3. Oh, this sounds wonderful. I’m going to add “diagnostic manual for my body” to the “adulting manual” that they forgot to give me when I turned 18.

  4. Sounds like no fun and given your constant middle school exposure to LOTS of nasties…. hard to guess. The whole medical system would love it if each person came with a manual! But they are doing better than they were 80 years ago at figuring things out and helping people live healthier lives.
    HOPE you feel MUCH better today.
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