End Days

We woke up this morning at 7:30am but it was still dark outside. Now it’s 11:14am and it still looks like early dawn. We have to have all the lights on, because we can’t see. The sky is orange and ominous.

It really and truly feels like the End of Days. This is definitely what I image the Apocalypse will look like.

My son and I went outside to play laser tag (somehow our air quality is not bad right now, I guess the smoke is higher up) because we could see the lights, which are normally dimmed to nothing by the sun.

It’s very disorienting for it to be dark at almost noon. It’s very disconcerting for the sky to be this color. It really does feel like something horrible might happen at any moment.

I guess it already has.

My house, at almost noon, with windows open and the lights off.


  1. Thank you for writing today and yesterday. After what I told was 113 degrees for two days… am not having fun. Smoke and fires makes it worse. Have only seen 2 birds today and not only was day dark from smoke as if it was late twilight, it was still, no breeze and red sky. Spooky. And I am grateful we seem to maybe have missed the very high winds that are driving fires into towering infernos. Am monitoring closely N. CA fires and expecting at any time, if winds change, to have a dog, teen and one of my children evacuating to my small place. We will be super compact.
    Praying that the East Bay fire crews deployed on Mt. Diablo and Oakland Berkeley and other area green spaces are in the right places at the right time. Am totally packed to evacuate with nose of car pointing at garage door, setting alarms for night time waking to verify fire situations. And, SO AWARE we are just at the start of the year’s fire season worst part. Months to go. Somehow. So much fear and so valid to fear.
    THANK YOU AGAIN for showing up and being a support. You have no idea….. even when I repetitively tell you.

  2. We are far enough away to be out of harms way and yet….feeling it so intently as well. Our sky has been an eerie shad of yellow gray for the past several days. Yesterday I went outside around 2 (after a horrible 8 hours of work) and was struck by how DARK it was, and that the smoke was so thick I was glad to put on my mask while in my car! Being in the foothills of the Sierra’s the smoke is just hanging out here. Our air quality is so bad we’re advised to stay indoors. Normally, not a bad idea but….well, I may start climbing the walls here soon.

  3. I was trying to take pictures of it all day to record but my darn camera kept correcting the color so that was frustrating on top of the utter surrealism of DoomSky. It was extra weird in that it made everything feel incredibly creepy and off, but we weren’t dealing with the immediate danger that’s associated with it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very grateful we weren’t! It was just so unsettling though.

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