It seems I need a break (And I’m taking one!)

On Sunday night I had a dream that I tested positive for Covid and I was SO HAPPY. The thought of taking a whole week off of work, with permission to rest, was intoxicating. When I woke up and realized it was a dream I was disappointed. I even took a rapid test when I woke up just to be sure and was disappointed again when it was negative.

On the way to work Monday morning I realized that I probably need a break.

So I decided to take one!

On Friday, I’m taking a mental health day. I almost never take a day off just because, but what I have planned this Friday is easily covered by a substitute. And for the first time since my first maternity leave almost 12 years ago, I have some sick days stored up. I usually have to approach sick days with a scarcity mindset – the ten days I get off every year are burned quickly covering my kids when they are sick – but I have been able to bank a lot of sick days since the pandemic started (there are very few reasons to call in when you’re teaching from home) so I don’t have to hoard what I have. The icing on the cake is that my recently retired friend can start subbing again (you can’t work in a classroom for six months after you retire) and she is available this Friday.

So right now, as I type this, I have a substitute ready to take my classes this Friday so I can stay home. My husband might even get to take the day so we can go see a movie! But even if that doesn’t happen, I will relish a three day weekend, and a little extra time away from work.

I am proud of myself for listening when something inside me told me I needed a break. Wanting to catch the sickness you’ve been trying desperately to avoid for two years just so you can get away from work for a week is a really telling mental state. The very least I can do for myself is to take one day off.

And that is what I’m going to do.

Do you take “mental health” days? How often? Are they hard to manage? Are they worth it?


  1. Once again you mirror my thoughts!
    I once was deathly afraid of the getting the virus….but now…I think, if we get it, we get it and I could really use the time off from work and responsibilities. I really really could. I am exhausted. You are not alone

  2. You are not alone in needing a break. SO GLAD you are doing what you need to do in order to care for yourself. TRY to really take the day OFF and use it FOR YOU. I do know how hard that is to do, it is so easy to fall into the trap of using the extra time to catch up on your home or stuff for and with the children. Use it for you.
    Huge support!

  3. I have A LOT (like, more than a school year’s worth) of sick days because I don’t have kids and rarely have illnesses that causes me to be out, especially for more than a day. I do get migraines though (and they’ve gotten worse the last few years) so I end up taking off a day every now and then due to them. Given that, I rarely take other days off now, whereas when my migraines weren’t as bad/frequent I did take maybe 2-3 mental health days per year. I’ve only taken one day off this year that was not migraine related and I think I need to do another before the year ends.

    I haven’t had covid yet and also slightly see the appeal of staying home for a week… but I’m still trying to avoid as much as possible!

    Enjoy your much deserved day off!

  4. Lol. My daughter has covid right now and so far I am symptom free. However we are (sort of) encouraged to take a PCR anyway to make sure we don’t have asymptomatic disease. If I test positive tomorrow then I miss 2 OR days and one overnight call. Honestly, I love the patient care portion of my job, but I totally feel you on wanting a break, and admit to feelings of jealousy about the asymptomatic people who have gotten 5-10 days off for this reason.

    You know what I’m excited about? When my daughter is better, I will worry much less about her getting infected because she will have just had a big ole booster. And just in time for summer too! Maybe I will take her to a trampoline park or Cedar Point. She totally deserves it.

  5. Funny you’d ask that right now. I never take time off work, unless I have a dental appointment or something like that. In fact when I left my last job I had 4 weeks of PTO saved because I never took it. But, flashforward to now- I’ve actually been off all this past week, because my incredible, amazing boss insisted I take time after my husband unexpectedly passed away 10 days ago. I was just going to take 1 day and she was like NOPE! And all that- as an independent contractor, she insisted I take time and that I be paid. Apparently all those years working for crappy companies has earned me some good karma, and never have I needed it more.

    1. Oh my god. I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope you have the support you need right now. It sounds like your boss is certainly stepping up, which is so good to hear. I’ll be thinking of you.

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