Me time this weekend

My husband is about to go away with friends to a music festival in Memphis from Tuesday to Sunday. It also happens to be book fair week at my daughter’s school. It’s going to be nuts to be sure.

My husband is actually going away for a week each month between now and November. While one is work-related he doesn’t have to go for work, he was just invited in his work capacity and wants to go because it looks good on his CV. Oh, and it’s in Australia. The other two are strictly fun trips with friends.

I am going no where.

But he “feels bad” and we “talked” and I told him that I was going to be asking for the time to train for my green belt test, which will be a challenging test and will require some extra time at the dojo. It was important for me to ask for that specifically because I got a lot of push back from him about the two weeks I needed to get ready for my high yellow belt test, which coincided with my summer professional development. I hope now that I explicitly tied that time to his time away he will handle my requests better.

I’m also taking some me time this weekend. Yesterday afternoon was spent at my old work colleague’s Oktoberfest party (the one who left last year), after which I spent the night at my parents house (my old colleague lives very close to them) and this morning I’m staying at my parents’ house getting shit done since it sure as hell isn’t going to happen next week. My husband always offers me time to get caught up on work during the weekends but if I’m home it’s hard. I’m excited to have uninterrupted time today

My husband is never thrilled when I ask for what I need, but even he can’t sulk when he’s about to go away for a week. I’m getting better at asking for what I need, regardless. Yay for a me weekend!


  1. Glad to hear from you. Also happy you got some down and away time this weekend. It will be hard being short-handed this coming week. Sending you very best wishes and supportive thoughts.
    3 weeks in 3 months when you all are accustomed to being 2 adults and 2 children is a lot of away. Jumbles routines for everyone. Hope it means husband is more refreshed and energized for both work and family; though the jet lag from AU can be impressive.
    Congratulations on being ready for a new belt test! Proud for you.

  2. Your husband being gone that much for pretty much fun stuff is kind of nuts, only case where it’s somewhat understandable if some of those folks he sees rarely and these occasions just happened to fall close together.

    But very smart idea to use this opportunity to negotiate the time for your green belt test and to take some time out of the house on your end during the weekend. Good job on making some great progress on asking for what you need!

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