Mid-Winter Break

I have the rest of this week off. My kids do not. This means it’s less like a break in some ways, and more like a break in others. The mornings, afternoons and evenings are pretty normal. I have to get up earlier than I would like. I have to deal with stressful mornings. I also have to ferry kids to activities in the afternoons. And pick up from school when there are no activities. We have to get to bed on time. Everyone else has a normal week. But then, for those hours when I would normally be working I have… time to myself! This so rarely happens and I very much appreciate this one week when my kids are in school but I’m not working.

Today I’m actually heading down to work because I need to put up a sign in classroom for where I want them to hang the TV. I was supposed to do it last week but I forgot. And I don’t really expect they will hang the TV like they are supposed to, but just in case… I need to know that I did my part to make it happen.

I’m going to bring my running clothes down there, but if I’m inspired to deal with some of the mess in my classroom instead of run I will do that. My room has gotten quite disorganized, and I’d love to pick it up a bit before the last push of the year.

But my attempts at organizing it last week didn’t really pan out. If it doesn’t feel like I will get much done, I’m just going to run. Either way I’m meeting my parents for lunch, which should be fun. I so rarely get to hang out with just them.

I don’t really have plans for the rest of the week. The kitchen floors need to be steamed clean but otherwise, I might just let myself rest. My attitude at work last week made it clear that I REALLY need to recharge, so I think I might allow myself to do just that.

We shall see. Rest and recharging have never been my strong suits.


  1. I hope you really do take the time to rest & recharge this week. Your family and your students will benefit from it, not just you! 🙂 Enjoy the break.

  2. Good luck re the tv position and it arriving.
    Glad you will have the lunch out with your parents.
    Even 10 mins of pick up in classroom will make a difference.
    Most of all: hope you have some quiet time in your home, lots of time to run/walk in peace, fingers crossed the kitchen floor clean happens and that there isn’t much spillage immediately afterwards. Listen to the quiet. Simply be good to you!!!!
    I tend to think of you as constantly in action and motion, so hear the quiet while you go outside and explore a less usually visited by you neighborhood! Just breathe. Take pictures. ENJOY!

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