On the eve of re-entry

It’s so incredible to have a two week break from real life each winter. I always feel like I’m desperate for a break from work at this point, and I absolutely savor the time away from work and the daily grind.

But re-entry into real life is hard. I found myself really struggling yesterday to not fly into a full-flung panic. It doesn’t help that we have a PTA meeting AND a parents’ Night Out back-to-back at the end of the week. It also doesn’t help that it’s supposed to rain all week (our school lacks a lot of resources necessary for managing 700+ students in the rain – like a cafeteria (the kids eat outside normally) and protected walkways to all classrooms (many classrooms modular units or portables set away from the main campus, like mine).

But Monday is a professional development day, which means we don’t have students yet, and for that I am SO, SO THANKFUL. Last year there were teachers from another district who got the day after break for professional development watching me teach, which meant I had to do all sorts of energy-intensive teaching when instead I wanted to do something very low key. That was really challenging. This year is the exact opposite, and I can spend today dipping my toes into re-entry instead of jumping into the frigid waters of reality.

I rallied at the end of the last week and graded a bunch of papers and took the kids to work so I could make copies, so I’m actually in a way better place than I expected to be at this point. My plan is to take the week really slow, and let the kids have the time and space to re-accustomed to reality that I recognize I need.

My own kids really struggled yesterday. My dad helped me install the hitch they got us for Christmas onto our car, so we got home later than I anticipated from picking them up. The afternoon was peppered with melt-downs and tantrums. The good news is they were really tired and ready for bed at 7pm (at least my son was).

I slept in way too much this break, so I was not tired at 7pm. At least not the right kind of tired.

We tried to do a lot to get ready for this morning. We put out all their clothes, and their rain gear. We had the non-perishable parts of the week’s lunches ready. We even had their water bottles filled and in the fridge. I find that the first morning back is hard, but not as bad as the second morning, so I hope we get everything ready again tonight.

I spent hours and hours tidying the house on Friday so the cleaning lady could have unfettered access to the floors and counter tops. The place looks amazing right now, and I want so badly to maintain a certain level of neatness now that the Christmas tree is down and the holiday box is put away. I hope to institute 10 minutes of family clean-up every night. I know we can do this if I just remember; I need to make it a habit, but I struggle so much in the first weeks to insert it into our schedule. Hopefully with my husband’s help we can manage it this time. It’s a new year and the house is clean. Let’s run with this, let’s keep it going.

How has re-entry been for you?


  1. I hear you. I’m not a teacher, but I’m fortunate to have enough leave to take off the whole 2 1/2 weeks that my kids are out of school. We’ve been sleeping in til like 730 which has been glorious. It’s going to be rough on Wednesday.

    And as usual, I had a grand delusions of all the things I was going to get done around the house while we were off. Ha ha…

  2. Prepping for the morning always helps but can be hard to do. Maybe a chart for each child’s to-dos and a list for yours? Then rewards for getting it done without fussing? Not daily but once every 7 days… .
    Use a big timer for the 10 mins; then celebrate what got done.
    I hope you get a tiny bit of you time most evenings… that the children develop tiny bits more independence at bedtime (I have not been eating special mushrooms but I still hope for such development.)
    I always think the holiday winter break is a weird fake period of unreality … and I have been out of school timelines for decades now. Odd how common that hibernation from reality desire works.
    Holding the best wishes for you and this week!

  3. As an unemployed/semi-retired person I don’t really have re-entry issues, but all I can say that if your house is clean, you should consider that to be a major victory! I am in awe.

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