Oops! Almost missed a day!

I can’t believe I’ve posted for 22 days in a row. I’m going to be pretty peeved if I accidentally forget to post in November. Like I almost did today.

(I guess I did actually miss 11/19 because I posted twice on 11/18 – once at 11:30pm – instead of scheduling the post for 11/19, but I’m going to count it since two posts happened in that 48 hour period.)

It’s Tuesday of the break. I’ve gotten some good stuff done. I ran on Saturday and it was BEAUTIFUL. The weather has been “unseasonably” warm and I’m here for it. (I’m using quotes there because it feels like it should be a lot cooler, but we always have a final stretch of mid-60s days in November so I don’t know if one can say it’s actually unseasonable). I did end up running earlier on Saturday and that was absolutely the right move. I felt so good – like I could have run forever. I probably would have tacked on a couple miles but I didn’t want to be away from home for so long.

On Sunday the kids and I walked to get shaved ice and then hit up a playground nearby. We spent so many hours at playgrounds during the second half of distance learning, but we haven’t been much since the kids started in person this fall. It brought back memories to be in a park again.

Sunday night we watched Shang Chi and the 10 Rings. My kids had already seen it, and they struggled not to spoil certain parts, but I still really enjoyed it. I’m looking forward to watching it again with my parents later this week.

I got my allergy shot on Monday morning, after which I braved Costco, which actually wasn’t that bad. I also hit up Target and finished my “Elf on the Shelf” shopping (our elf leaves little advent calendar like things for the kids and I needed some chapsticks and mini finger nail polishes for my daughter).

Monday afternoon my son went to his friend’s house to play in the backyard before the parents took them both to martial arts. My daughter went to her friend’s house for a couple hours at the same time, so I used the kid-free time to practice my martial arts form, which I can now complete! I’m SO RELIEVED to know my form. I feel MUCH better about being properly prepared for the test now. I just need to review my own steps and I’ll be golden (well as golden as I can be).

After learning my form, I picked up my daughter and her friend and we went to Michael’s to pick out some holiday crafts, before eating dinner at In-n-Out. It was nice to spend time with them, without having to manage my son as well.

Today has been… a marathon. The kids and I walked to get the CSA box right after breakfast. Then my daughter’s friend came over and all three of them played video games together. They decorated giant ginger men from Costco while I made them lunch, then my in-laws picked up my son so my daughter and her friend could have some time alone. But my son’s friend’s mom texted asking if we were around, so I asked my in-laws to bring my son home early and invited his friend for an evening play date.

Right now my daughter and her friend are upstairs (windows open, masks on and air purifier running) finishing In the Heights while my son and his friend play in the garage (garage door open, masks on, air purifier on). This is the first time we’ve even had a friend inside our house, and it’s a taste of what life will be like so soon!

I can’t wait for my kids to be fully vaccinated. My daughter wants to have a spend the night on Saturday, 12/18, when she is exactly two weeks out from her second shot. I think I’m going to have to oblige her. Her friends have been having sleep overs this fall, but she doesn’t know about that. My husband hates the “dishonestly” (her friends specifically do not mention the sleep overs in her presence) but I think it’s better for her to just not know about it. But maybe I just think that because I don’t want to be the “mean mom” who has stricter rules than her friends’ moms. We’re already those parents in so many ways (screen time, social media, video games), I don’t want her know that she has been missing out for the last four months. She has been perfectly happy going to school and seeing friends a few times in the ways we allow, but I know she’d be really sad to learn they were spending a lot of time together without her.

Tomorrow we’re spending the day with my in-laws. We usually “do Thanksgiving” with them after the actual day, but since we’re visiting my parents (who were just traveling) on Thanksgiving, we’re seeing my in-laws before this year. We don’t do a real Thanksgiving meal with them, but they make chiliquiles for me in the morning, which is my favorite.

I struggle spending an entire day over there, so I asked my husband if I can go on a run before we leave and he said it was fine. I used to live near that part of the city and I ran in Golden Gate Park a lot (they live right next to the park), so I’m excited to pass by landmarks I used to know so well. I appreciate my husband’s willingness to give me that time too.

So far I’ve crossed a lot of things off my list. I’ve made it through June of the photos from my phone for the calendar – it’s slow going because we got the bearded dragon in March and there are A LOT of pictures of that bearded dragon in there. I have NOT done any work yet, or cleaned up my house much, but the tree, and most other Christmas decorations are up. Hopefully I’ll get some work done at my parents’ house and maybe the house will have to wait… We shall see.

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