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Coherent thoughts are not my strong suit right now. Let’s hope I can focus on one topic at a time enough to get through some bullet points.

– My 20 year high school reunion was fun. It felt rushed and was over before I got to talk to everybody in a meaningful way, but it was good time. It made me happy to see people that meant a lot to me a long time ago, but I was also reminded that we don’t have a lot to talk about after so many years apart. I’m definitely glad I went, but it felt like a little of a let down.

– I’m having a really hard time getting my engine back on the PTA track, and without me leading the way, the rest of the train isn’t going anywhere. We ended up losing four people that were either on the board or helped a lot last year, and I doubt we’ll find the manpower to replace them, so we’ll definitely have to cut back on our projects this year. We also lost our main point person at the actual school, and they didn’t hire anyone to replace her, because of a big community-oriented program that is being put into place via a massive grant. So despite having the same administrators for the first time in our four years at the school, it’s still a pretty big transition year, at least as far as the PTA is concerned. I’m having a really hard time getting motivated, but hopefully once I get started it will be easier to keep going.

– It’s been a hard week of returning to our old routines (my daughter and me) and adjusting to new routines (my son) these past weeks, and it really didn’t help that my daughter got a gnarly cold last week, but we eventually made it through. My daughter seems really happy in 3rd grade, and I’m really pleased I was able to get her class changed (I was NOT impressed with the teacher she was originally assigned). My son’s teacher is great and his class is incredibly diverse, which makes me happy, but his after school program has not impressed me at all. What sucks the most is that I have my prep during 6th period, so I could leave work early to avoid him spending too much time there, but then I’ll get behind at work. I hope they eventually get their act together so I don’t feel so guilty about him spending time there (it’s just chaotic, and I never see them doing an activity or even playing, they always seem to  be sitting and waiting (for what I don’t know), despite me showing up at varying times throughout the afternoon).

– The afternoons with the kids, after work, are really wearing me down. They are tired and hungry and grumpy. I am tired and hungry and grumpy. I am requiring 30 minutes of sustained reading from my daughter and she struggles to sit down and stay focused. My son is all over the place. We also pushed up bedtime because they are both so exhausted, and it’s hard to be ready to really start bedtime by 7pm, and that is with us getting home by 4:30 or 5pm most days. I don’t know how families that don’t get home until after 6pm do it.

– It’s nice to have my classroom back. I think I’m already taking it for granted, and I’m trying hard to really savor how amazing it is to just stay where I am during the 3 minute passing periods, and to leave some stuff on the table at the end of the day.

– It’s still really hard to commute to the other campus. This year I drive during my lunch and then eat after all my classes at 2:15. It’s hard to make it that long without a real meal, but I’m learning to make my 10:30 snack last.

– I’m not sleeping great these days. I either can’t fall sleep for hours and becoming increasingly agitated as I toss and turn, or I take a sleep aid, fall right to sleep and wake up at 4am. Either way I’m lucky to get 5 hours of sleep and it’s starting to get to me. I hope after the car stuff is behind us and I’m back into the school year routine I’ll start getting better rest. (I’m finishing this post finally thanks to insomnia.)

– We may pick up the car this weekend. The color I really wanted (orange) wasn’t available in Northern California, but we got our second choice (blue). The size of this purchase continues to stress me out, especially as I factor in sales tax and fees (and installing the level 2 charger in or garage, which I’m still not sure our shitty electrical infrastructure can handle). Having said that, the prospect of never filling my car with gas again (or getting my oil changed or a SMOG check again) makes me positively giddy. I really hope we love this car.

– Yay for a three day weekend! We all need it around here.


  1. Oh man. You still have to teach at two campuses? That’s tough.

    I hear you on the evening rush.

    Also on after school program. Not great but better than when we started. I have had to make peace with it since we literally don’t have any other options.

    Hang in there. Thank goodness for the 3 day weekend.

  2. Hope the 3 day weekend let’s you both chill and recharge your batteries as well as your children’s. Back to school viruses really are tough, and common. Orange/red cars catch more tickets, I have been told (eye catching color), so blue will be good. Hope too much doesn’t have to happen this weekend and only 4 days of school next week lets things mellow. VERY best wishes!

  3. After the coming week ask questions about what the children are doing during the program. While it may not be what you would prefer it could be that simply free supervised play is what your son needs before the discipline of home before bed routines. But IF it IS just sitting at tables … sitting… waiting…. no activities …….well, if that actually is all that happens….. difficult.

  4. HOpe the sleep thing gets better, it makes everything harder. Congrats on the almost new car. And agree—talk to the aftercare next week and see if you get a good response.

  5. Hope you get better sleep soon!

    I’m so happy you got your classroom back. At my work the administration tried to make us transfer to “flexi-offices” (ie. you put you stuff in a locker every night and then search for a free desk every morning, carrying your things). Everyone went berserk and they cancelled that but not before basically accusing us of being childish and spoiled…haha, I don’t care as long as I get to keep my small desk and personal computer (in a multi-person room but I’m used to that).

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