
My son really enjoyed camp. He bounded out with a huge smile on his face, immediately launching into a story about how he made a new friend.

{I will admit I breathed a massive sigh of relief upon hearing that he had a good day. I haven’t been that nervous about my son being somewhere since his first day of preschool.}

My daughter and her friends (and my friend) had a nice day at the beach, which was empty because it was too windy and cold to really enjoy it. But the girls played in the water a lot (until their chattering teeth forced them back onto the sand) and I got to run (while my friend watched the girls) and we got home right in time to pick up my son.

Screen time was cut in half. There was no fussing when we turned it off. My son fell asleep a full hour earlier than he has in months.

It was a good day.

And since I don’t have the time or energy to write more, I will share this article, that feels very important right now.


  1. Very glad to hear camp was a success!

    The linked article was interesting but overly glib about removing responsibility from individuals to make good decisions (even in light of all the cognitive reasons why that is difficult) in favor of governments giving us clear directives when governments have failed at that. After all governments are merely organizations of individuals and when somewhere like the WHO is not giving good guidance it’s a lot to expect governments to do so.

    I traveled to a larger nearby metro area over the weekend and thought for sure I would see more mask wearing than my in small town but that was not the case with the overwhelming majority of people going maskless indoors. It really saddened me to see so many people not willing to do even a minor thing to help protect the health of others.

    1. Here we are required to wear masks indoors. Full stop. They can (and should) deny us entry when we don’t. I have never seen a person without a mask indoors here since that rule started. Yes we’re also supposed to when we’re outside, always, and people aren’t as good about following that rule, and it’s harder to enforce, but there are still way more people wearing masks outside here and most places because we have been told we have to do that (and the number of people doing so grew exponentially after it went from a suggestion to a rule). And I think even in the places where it is a rule to wear a mask inside (or outside), those rules are undermined by the message that in other parts of the country they aren’t required at all, and when those rules are mocked and not followed by our president and others in our federal government. Yes there will always been some people who make choice that put their own desires over the good of society, but with consistent messaging that promotes societal understanding and compliance, we’d be in a VERY different place right now.

  2. THRILLED re camp! DELIGHTED for your daughter! SO HAPPY you had a run!
    Thank you for writing. Thank you for the interesting article.
    Thank you for the support and reality and normalcy and encouragement your writing and posting brings me each and every time. You and everyone who comments makes a difference in my world and help me support the other people I know. This ripples across the world. You all are so appreciated.
    Hoping camp and the change and structure it provides, (dipping your toes into the new reality that is coming), continues to go well. The fall is coming and we are all going to need the stories that with care and thought we can continue to move forward.

  3. Sounds like a well deserved good day for you all. So glad your son enjoyed camp!

    Thank you for the article! For a second I thought the author must have worked with my old PI, but nope.

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