Ping Pong Thoughts on a Friday

I can’t believe my mental health day was just a week ago. This has been a loooooong week.

A loooooong week with some shiiiiiitty sleep. My kingdom for 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep! (Clearly the sleep powers that be do not think my kingdom is worth that much shut eye).

I’m teaching absolutely NOTHING today and it feels marvelous. My students are catching up on work and I’m checking in with a bunch of them, but I’m not standing in front of the room at all. It’s a lovely way to spend a Friday.

I got some new kn95s from MASKC and I really like them. I think we now have enough quality masks to get us through our summer travel. I have to admit that I almost want us to get Covid before the end of June, so that we don’t have to worry so much about it derailing our plans. I know that is a horrible way to think, but it’s where my head is at these days.

There is a lot of Covid going around at my school again. I never really stopped wearing a mask so it hasn’t been hard to go back to wearing a mask. I do look forward to the summer when I don’t have to wear one for most of every day.

The fact that neither of my kids has gotten Covid yet is totally crazy. I really can’t understand how that is the case.

I am so, so tired. And there is really nothing I can do to try to improve the situation. I already take vitamins, and workout, and practice good sleep hygiene (no screens before bed, dark, cool room, sound machine, etc). I’ve even been listening to guided meditations! It sucks to feel like something so important is so totally out of my control, but I guess that is what perimenopause is all about!

We’re getting our daughter an Apple watch (with service) for her birthday next month. She’s shown she can handle one with the Gizmo she had this year, and while we do not plan on getting her a phone before 8th grade we think an Apple watch is a nice next step especially since Apple has ways add parental protections. I have to admit, looking at them makes me want to get one. I already wear a watch every day, and it would be pretty nice to have one that does some cool stuff. But I also don’t need one. At all. My current watch is also on the fritz though so that is not helping.

{I don’t actually plan to get an Apple watch, but I’m annoyed that after all these years of not caring, I’m now interested in one.}

The Apple watch is all we have planned for our daughter’s 12th birthday – it’s in exactly one month – and it’s starting to freak me out. I need to start planning.

And that’s all the time I got so I’m going to post this as is.

Happy Friday!


  1. Confused. Thought the point of apple watch was it interacted with the phone. Does the fact it stays on her arm make it less….. apt to stray from her possession? My friends seem to use apple watch in coordination with iphones so perhaps my sample population is weird.
    Trust you are aware of tracking issues that will be more problematic in some states…. about health and no privacy and that data has already been collected and shared and sold…………
    Wish had some helpful ideas about sleep but you clearly know evidence based information and the real issue (stress) isn’t going to be improving soon.
    Please everyone vote …. 1 in 50 pregnancies today is ectopic and NO IT IS CONSIDERED TO BE AN ABORTION TO REMOVE THE NON-VIABLE CELLS TO SAVE THE WOMAN’S LIFE and therefore illegal soon in many states.

    1. There are newer Apple Watches that can actually have their own cell service, independently of a phone. Most adults don’t use them that way, they are more for younger (or older) family members and can be managed via a family account.

      And yes to all the abortion stuff. I had an ectopic. I shudder to think what would have happened if I couldn’t get the medication I needed to prevent my fallopian tube from bursting.

      1. So glad you got help in time. I remember vividly pre Roe….. and people who did/ could not get good safe medical treatment and died or were infertile as a result. Returning to that is lack of access to medical care, and all the rest of those legal inequalities ……. Glory be, there actually may be … was it 20 cities in the US where some % of women (UNDER 30 only) are not paid less for equal work than men? ….. Horrors for men.
        The complete lack of right to any personal privacy for women ….. but not for men. The lack of consequences for rapists but gigantic ones for their victims……
        Hope you get some down time this weekend for de-stress. THANK you always for each and every post.

      2. I went for the second time today! Maybe we were there at the same time?! When did you go? Our reservation was at 2:30…

        1. We were early….. 10:15. Want to go again. SO beautiful and amazing. The amazing needlework and inspiration. Creativity writ large.

  2. I think it is fair to consider an Apple Watch for yourself! I know you’ve done research but the ones without service (ie, those that only “work” if in proximity to your phone) are not as expensive. I have had a base model for about three years and love it. Sometimes (not always, ha) it even makes it easier for me NOT to look at my phone bc I know I can still see if daycare is calling or something else important during the day.

  3. See Palace Legion of Honor re GUO PEI EXHIBIT. Amazing textile art and incredible needlework art. Also totally fun!

  4. I agree with Stephanie – I have an older base model apple watch (without the 3G service), and I’ve absolutely loved it! I can glance at an incoming text or call and determine if I want to go get my phone from the other room – or I can answer both from my watch if needed. I have mine set to show the time and weather and my workout bars on the main screen, and I’m not going to lie – the function to find your phone (it overrides the silent setting and it dings) is something I use on the daily. LOL. At any rate, I’m sure your daughter will love having one. My kids both have Gizmos so far, but I’m guessing by 6th grade we will get my daughter the Apple Watch so that she has a few more functions.

    PS – my kids have never gotten COVID either, even with all of the traveling and activities we have done. It’s definitely something I’ve just quit stressing about b/c stressing isn’t productive and won’t change it anyway! 🙂 Enjoy your summer travels!

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