So, how did I do?

My week off is over. So how did I do?

Pretty good.

I did accomplish the following, which I’m happy about….

  • Determined (at the genius bar) that my old phone really was busted, backed it up, got a new phone, got the old phone ready to give to my daughter (just the audio jacks were busted so she can still use it, just not with headphones or to make calls).
  • Got teeth cleaned (and unexpected dental work done, blerg).
  • Dropped off bags of clothes at a few different places.
  • Returned both my kids Kindles to get fixed under their warranties (this was an entrenched item on my to-do list so very happy to get it done).
  • Stamped 650 envelopes with 8 stamps each! It was a lot of stamping, and my arm, hand and fingers are still recovering, but I also got to watch 10 episodes of season 3 of The Magicians over two days so it was actually pretty pleasant. And it saved us $200+.
  • Tore half of the 650 strips of raffle tickets. I’ll tear the other half this week.
  • Copied the 650 raffle ticket info slips and cut half of them.
  • Organized my classroom (a little, it could use a lot more).
  • Made some copies for this week (which I had to staple and hole punch because our big copier that does those things is busted).
  • Created an assignment for this week.
  • Got two of my classes’ online grades up to date (for one of them I hadn’t inputted even one score for this trimester, which ends in three weeks – for shame!)
  • Grade papers for two more of my classes (though I didn’t get those scores online).
  • Worked out 4 times. Woot!
  • Kept the house relatively organized.
  • Put up the March calendar in the kitchen. (And realized I haven’t booked my kids spring break camp yet! Welp! (Our spring breaks never match up.)
  • Went to my professional development on Saturday (it was really hard to motivate myself to go).
  • Wen to two doctor’s appointments with my daughter (we ordered her new reading glasses, which she borderline needs – we’ll see if they help her with longer novel reading stamina.)
  • Got both kids to school on time on Friday morning without my husband (my son had to brush his teeth in the car but otherwise we did great!)
  • Volunteered for four hours at an event at my daughter’s school on Friday evening (even though she didn’t go because of a cough – my parents’ had her)

Things I didn’t do…

  • Volunteer at either of my kids’ schools (the additional dental work required so much time on Wednesday that I didn’t actually make it to my classroom, so I had to drive back to work on Friday to get the stamping done).
  • Input the scores online for the grading I did this week.
  • Grade some make-up work and tests that need to get graded. Ugh.
  • Write the Spanish 2 recommendation letter (I kinda, sorta started it, but not really. Blerg.)
  • Write as many blog posts as I intended to. (Par for the course these days, I’m afraid.)

All in all, I’m happy with what I got done. I’m not surprised I didn’t get the Spanish 2 recommendation letter written, because I have no idea how to go about that. I did try to write it. I sat with the cursor flashing on the white page, but I was flummoxed. I need to ask the other 8th grade teachers if they have any kind of recommendation letter for Math or English that goes out so I can at least use it as a reference. If they don’t I’m in trouble; I need to send them out in about three weeks, which is also when a whole bunch of other shit needs to be done by. The next three weeks are going to be brutal, but it’s good I know that now so I can be proactive in tackling my to-do list. There will many late nights but I’ll get it all done. I always do.

It actually ended up being a nice break, even though I had to fit so much stuff in. Just being away from my regular work schedule is so refreshing, even if I spent two of the four days in my actual classroom. I’m not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow, but I’m also not dreading it. That’s something.

How was your week?


  1. WOW!!! What an impressive list of accomplishments!!! You got an amazing amount of stuff done. And saving $200 of PTA money is A LOT. I know for some schools it isn’t but those are ones where parents pop 800-1500 dollars per kid on school registration day just before school starts int he fall and then start all the fund raising events.
    IF you wanted to meet in a coffee shop in SF to do the other half of the tickets let me know because I would be willing. BUT, NOT pushing as that totally might not be convenient and it would mean telling me exactly what to do. You have my email but do an alert here too please.
    I am pleased with what I did too…… including mammogram, and followup with magnification where I was on the lucky side. You absolutely never want that followup call, but it came within 24 hrs and the second apointment was within 48hrs of first. So the system worked well.
    SUPER IMPRESSED by all you do.
    Really hoping everyone who wants this blog to continue will respond and comment back, because I think that makes it a conversation that encourages noemikjames to keep writing.

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