Spoke too soon

Last night (after I wrote and scheduled the previous post), my friend called to tell me she tested positive for COVID. She has been with us at the KOA for the full week, and had tested negative before she left.

That means she got it on a quick shopping trip during the week. Or she had it before she got there, but took a while to show symptoms (in her case a bad headache that showed up on Saturday and wouldn’t go away on Sunday).

We obviously spent a lot of time with her this week, including 4 hours in the car on Saturday and an hour in the car on Sunday (she drove my daughter and I home). We were obviously around her when she was contagious.

This, of course, caused us to rethink our travel plans. We’re staying with people in Maui so we had to let them know and see what they were comfortable with. They said we could still come, but we’d be sleeping in a smaller house on the property, not in the big house. I ran to Costco this morning and bought 20 extra tests to bring – my daughter and I will be testing every morning at least, and of course we’ll test more if anyone gets symptoms.

And of course we run the risk of being stuck in Hawaii longer than expected, needing to find additional lodging and change our flights.

It was hard to figure out what to do, but ultimately we decided we be more disappointed to stay home and never test positive than to go and test positive. How knows if that will actually be the case…

Let’s just hope our antibodies are still working. They’ve certainly gotten a workout with all our traveling so far.


  1. THANK YOU for taking us on so many holidays without us needing to be on any planes! Fingers crossed the vaccines and past infections hold the line against any of you being sick again.
    Be wary of Man O War. Know someone who got surprised in most serious negative way recently in area of HA waters where Man O War is supposed to be very rare. Climate change impact it seems.
    Hope your flights go smoothly and you all only test negative! Want to picture you all relaxed and having grand time.
    What an amazing summer you have had and what fabulous memories you have banked together. Special times!

  2. It seems doable to continue as you planned in this situation.
    I’m curious how much 20 tests cost in your area?

    1. I hope it’s doable. I really hope we didn’t make a mistake…
      And the 20 tests cost $100 (+ tax). At costco you can get a box of 5 for $25.

  3. I can’t remember when you were last positive for Covid?
    We went to Disneyland the last week of July. And surprise surprise, ( ha ha no your not) We come home with Covid. We even we had masks on the whole time (only people who did it seemed like) 3 days later we are driving home and we all have sore throats. So we test and are positive. Everyone got it BUT the one child who tested positive the last week in June. We think it is because she had it so recently. So maybe you have that 90 day immunity they talk about?? I hope you do. Try to enjoy yourself!

  4. I’m glad you went anyway! Like you said in your other post, even if your positive, Hawaii is a vest place to quarantine. How many days are you planning on being there again?

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