Still Alive

The beginning of the school year is always busy and stressful for me, as both a teacher and parent. This year was especially so. This last week I had three Back to School Nights in a row and today I am done. Just done.

I want so badly to come back here and to write, but I struggle to get inspired. There are topics I think it would be interesting to tackle, or posts that I think people might want to read, but ultimately I don’t seem to care enough about writing them. It’s so much easier to consume than to create.

I did take the news app off my phone which has helped me to take back some of the time I’d lost to mindless scrolling. BuzzFeed listscicles definitely were my Instagram or Facebook-equivalent black hole, and they are no longer a part of my life. I haven’t actually missed them at all, which I find surprising. Instead I’ve played more Wordscapes and read more or my book. I also replayed the first The Room, which is a great game.

We gave our tenant ten days to respond to our buy out offer. He was supposed to let us know by today if he was interested. He hasn’t made contact yet, so we’re determining our steps forward. I’m frustrated that he’s just freezing us out, and will likely push us to legally evict him, which will be a protracted and incredibly expensive course of action. At this point I just want it to be over, but it won’t be for a long time and it makes me so frustrated and infuriated. It causes me an incredible amount of stress.

Not much else to write about right now, at least nothing to tack on to this post. I just wanted to say that I’m still here, and I’m still alive, and I’m really thankful that it’s a three day weekend because I’m already exhausted and burnt out and the school year hasn’t even really started.


  1. Good to see you here! Three back to school nights in one week (one for each of your kids and one for you?) is a lot. And definitely hear you on the “it’s easier to consume than create”.

    Ugh on your tenant continuing to be a total pain. Out of curiousity, what was the buyout offer?

  2. I am so glad you wrote! And for all you have written in past. The beginning of school is brutal particularly on teacher/parents. Thank you for going to the back to school events and for keeping a PTA function going with very little support.
    I do not write a blog because I am totally not a writer. It takes time, attention and energy and if it doesn’t feel right to you to put that into writing here and you receive more from other activities then you need to use your limited time, attention, and energy in those places. (I hope that isn’t your position, but if it is I hope you tell us so we know you are making a choice and there wasn’t some terrible event that happened to you.)
    I am super sorry your tenant is doing what they are doing and hope you are being able to ensure legally through inspections that no … ‘ugly, vengeful actions like re-infestations or unsafe situations occur. Would you know if tenant quietly simply moved out? SO difficult.
    I am totally wishing you a lovely 3 days that energize you and make the coming work days much easier. As I have said before: You and your other readers who comment, all impress me so much by your achievements, philosophies of child raising, marriage, work, volunteer activities and general wisdom. You all really are the humans my decade wanted to see exist ( we had no idea of the terrible pressures you all would be under!) and I hope you are the prevailing future my grands grow up in and move forward in their adult lives. Wishing all of you, and particularly our hostess, times of joy, safety, easy laughter, and personal happiness.

  3. You started this blog in 2014. but I was reading your prior one. I have followed your posts for at least 9-10 years. Wow. At first I never commented. Then I commented under a variety of names & emails. No wonder I feel so attached.
    Thank you. For years and years. I have learned so much. Thank you.

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