Thanksgiving Break: What I’m looking forward to (and what I’m not)

It’s Friday! Which means that by 3:05pm today I will officially be on Thanksgiving Break!

Things I’m looking forward to

Putting up our tree. I LOVE decorating for Christmas, and since we’re spending the weekend after Thanksgiving with my parents, I’ll be putting up our tree on Monday and Tuesday. I can’t wait to do it. I’m ready for the holidays and our tree will put me in the spirit.

Not working. I am so looking forward to NOT getting up at 6am and NOT driving to work and NOT talking in a mask all day. So, so looking forward to all of that.

Running. I’ve been struggling to run with the shorter days, and I’m looking forward to taking at least one, hopefully two nice long runs in the sun. I hope the weather complies.

Stuffing. I like the food at Thanksgiving, but I truly LOVE stuffing. I don’t really eat it any other time of year, mostly so I have something to look forward to on Thanksgiving. I can’t wait to stuff my face full of it. It’s by far my favorite holiday fare.

Staying at my parents’ house. I love my parents’ house. It’s big and beautiful and feels like home. My mom does it up for the holidays and it feels so cozy. I go down there sometimes but I’m usually just dropping off my kids. It will be nice to spend a couple nights down there with them, especially since we didn’t get to go inside last year at Christmas. Also, my kids are SO EXCITED that I’m staying with them for two of the three nights.

Date night. And that third night I will be back in the city with my husband who will have had two blissful days alone to recoup. I’m really hoping we have a nice time, since he’s getting those days to recharge before hand.

Getting my booster shot. I don’t really understand why we’re all getting booster shots when so much of the world has gotten no shots, but I guess it’s what I’m supposed to do so I’m doing it. I spent most of Thursday night trying to find an appointment before Thanksgiving and was super pleased when I found one on Saturday, where I can get Moderna (I got Pfizer the first times). It was much harder than I thought to find an appointment, and I was feeling stupid for waiting until everyone in California was eligible (I’ve been eligible as a teacher for a couple months), but I made it happen and I’m happy. It’s nice to cross it off my to-do list.

Things I’m NOT looking forward to

8am soccer game on Saturday. The very first morning of the break I have to be up at 7am with my son to get ready for a soccer game. Blerg. I’m so ready for soccer season to be over. This may be the last game? I have no idea. At least it’s the first morning so we can get it over with.

Making the calendars. It’s that time of year again, when I have to move thousands of photos off my phone and figure out where to put them, then go through them to find the ones we’ll use for the calendar. I’m actually up late doing this now (the transferring of the pictures), because my (128G!) phone is almost out of space and I’ve been DREADING doing this and I thought if I just did it already I would feel better. I’ll let you know if that is the case (I feel kind of better but also really tired because I was up until 12:30 getting it done). I do love having the calendar at the end of the year, and they honestly serve as photo books because it’s the only place the kids can look at printed photos, but they are a pain to make and I’m not looking forward to the late nights required to get them done (I say “them” because I make my in-laws a separate calendar with photos of our kids and my husband’s sister’s kids so there are two calendars to create every year. Yay. ::insert sarcasm font::

Managing other stuff. There is some boring shit I gotta get done this week. None of it is especially difficult, but it will be tedious and I don’t want to do it, but I gotta do it, and I’ll feel better once it gets done. Yay. ::more sarcasm font::

Work. I may not have to get up early and go to work, but I do have to do some work and I’m not super enthused about that. But if I do some work while I’m on vacation then my life will be easier when I’m back at work, so I guess I’m paying it forward. I hope my future self appreciates my efforts. (I know she will.)

Martial arts test prep. I don’t really mind practicing martial arts, but I’m so stressed about this test that I know test prep won’t be pleasant. I don’t know, maybe if I get to a place where I feel confident doing the form I’ll feel better. We shall see.

Cleaning my house. Guess whose house is a shit show? Yep! It’s mine! And I don’t want to clean it up but I want it to be clean so I guess I’ll just have to suck it up and get it done.


  1. MAde me laugh. AND, get out and run vacuum. THANK YOU.
    HAVE A GRAND AND GLORIOUS TREE and break and get lots of school stuff out of the way……. but above all ENJOY YOUR SELF AND FAMILY!

  2. Stuffing is my favorite too. I have lots of thoughts about the thanksgiving meal which aren’t very popular. But I do like stuffing.

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