The rhythm of our weeks

I’ve been struggling to show up here lately. It’s not that I don’t have anything to say… it’s more than I have too much to say. Or there is too much catching up I feel like I have to do to say it.

I tell myself I should open a tab and start writing. See what comes out. But it’s hard.

It’s Wednesday. With my new schedule I’m exhausted by Wednesday. Every Wednesday night I think, how is it only Wednesday?

Monday I take the kids to my parents house. Or better said, they switch cars at strip mall near my work and one of my parents takes them the rest of the way there.

I go to my classroom and teach my classes (via zoom) and get some work done. Lately I’ve been able to catch up on work I would normally get done on the weekend on Monday. It’s nice to start the week with childcare.

I try to run before I pick the kids up around 4:30. It’s nice to run down on the peninsula.

On Tuesday we have to take turns managing the kids in between classes and meetings. I try to go to martial arts on Tuesday night from 7:00 to 8:15. I’m not usually home until 8:45 or 9pm. Tuesday is a long day.

On Wednesday I teach for a long stretch. Some Wednesdays I have my son’s friend and his sister in my backyard or at the park. Some Wednesdays my son goes with his friend. My daughter plays soccer with her friends on Wednesday and I have to keep my son occupied in her absence. By Wednesday I am tired.

But then the kids go to school on Thursday. I’m teaching variations of things I’ve already taught the other class on Monday and Tuesday so I don’t have much prep to get done. Being prepared for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday is a lot more work than being prepared for Thursday and Friday.

When I think about it, I prefer front loading my weeks like this. I like that right when I think I can’t keep up it gets easier.

My kids only have two more weeks of school. I have four, but I’m only really teaching for three of them. The fourth week I’ll be on campus quite a bit for special events. And then it will be summer.

I’m ready for summer. I’m ready to move on from this school year and I look forward to returning in the fall in a way that feels a lot more familiar. While I don’t miss my commute, I’m so tired of teaching on zoom. I really hope I get to be back in my classroom (our district has promised parents that we will return full time in the fall so I’m assuming I will be).

I’m also tired of being thoroughly disappointed by my kids’ school district. I just want them to finish out the year, so we can focus on starting fresh at new schools in the fall. I’m making myself assume they will be back in their classrooms because the alternative makes me crazy.

Here’s to Wednesday. Thursday and Friday always feel like a relief.

1 Comment

  1. THANK you for writing and posting. What a complex schedule you are living and managing. I was super glad to read that of 5 days 2 are slightly more manageable. Hoping your actually are able to find/spend some down time on weekends. Crossing my fingers public schools open in a far far far more normal fashion this fall; and that it is safe for staff and children.
    I watch the numbers closely in SF and wish my county had the same sort of numbers. I do not understand why the school district acted as it did and do not know what was from the board, from parents, from teachers. Particularly as I hear some elementary schools in the district have had way more in-person classes than your children, the variations from school to school in the same district is insane.
    Sending you tremendous support for the upcoming 4 weeks. Think of you every day, sending you wishes and support. Be good to you this weekend.

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