Time Change Complaints

I loathe when the time changes, but I love Daylight Savings. I wish we could just keep Daylight Savings all year round. I would much rather it get lighter later and stay lighter later. But honestly, if getting rid of the time change forever meant no more Daylight Savings, I’d choose it, because it makes no sense to mess with our bodies and minds this way two times a year, every year. It’s just ridiculous.

At least smart phones greatly reduced the possibility of forgetting the time change and screwing things up royally.

I do appreciate that falling back is the preferable of the two time changes (you gain an hour instead of losing one and your kids are ready for bed earlier instead of later), when it’s returning you to the less preferable of the two actual times, and that springing forward is the more painful time change (you lose an hour and your kids never want to go to bed but still seem to wake up at the same time anyway), but delivers you to the far superior Daylight Savings Time. At least the good and the bad of each work to even either experience out.

We only stay on “standard” time for about four months (early November to early March). Why not get rid of it all together? I know I write about this every year but seriously, changing the time twice a year sucks and offers us nothing. We need to get rid of it, and soon.

How do you feel about the time change?


  1. Well, here in California we can vote on it on Tuesday. Personally, having lived for 7, long horrible years in AZ where they don’t observe it? I say keep DST. Changing time zones is for the birds. LOL But, I also don’t like change. I was actually a little giddy the first fall we were back home in California and got to change our clocks rather than having to figure out what freaking time zone we were in. If we’re going to eliminate it fine but I think we need to do it nationwide so it’s not trying to figure out what timezone we’re in vs. another state….

    1. Yes! I just voted YES on 7!! And it keeps DST always!!! WOOT!!! I so hope it passes. Seven is my lucky number.

      I understand your concern about having to think about where others are with their time, but it will only be four short months, and honestly, sometimes you have to change things slowly, piece by piece. I can’t imagine it will ever happen nationally before a lot of states do it.

  2. It’s funny. I think with kids spring forward is so much easier! Ends those early wake ups. I get nothing out of fall back other than an overtired baby screaming at 4:45 am. Maybe it’s better when your kids are older.

    1. I think it was better springing forward when my kids were younger and woke up earlier, especially when my son was younger because he woke up so, so early. But now they generally sleep in to a reasonable hour (this Saturday my son slept until 7:30!! Woot!) I can also put him in front of an iPad and get another hour if he does wake up early. 😐

  3. Actually prop 7 allows the state to not follow the feds. Doesn’t mean we keep dst year round (means California *could* decide to keep it, if a federal law is changed to allow that). I voted no to avoid chaos. Also driving to work in the dark does not appeal to me.

    I used to LOVE LOVE LOVE fall back but now with kids it’s not the same.

    1. I’d much rather drive to work in the dark than drive home in the dark, but maybe that is because im a teacher so I always have had to get to work earlier than most, and was able to leave a little earlier than most, so it’s what I’m used to.

      I just don’t feel like I take advantage of the early morning light like I do the evening light. I don’t do anything different in the morning in if it’s light earlier but I do stay out later with my kids or get in a walk or run sometimes if it’s light later.

  4. Hurrah for voting! Hate the time change disruptions. The older I get the harder they are. I prefer going places in dark mornings over coming home in darkness when people are generally more tired, anxious, worried and distracted by their day at work. The vote tomorrow will not change anything but hopefully it will develop a sense of CA opinion about clock changes.
    THank you for posting!!!

  5. I think that DST is ridiculous, and while I have many complaints about the state in which I currently live (Arizona), this is one thing it gets right: no DST here.

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