With pretty pictures at the end

Today the heat was back on and the washing machine was installed by 10am! It was pretty amazing.

The washing machine is really nice. It can hold a much bigger load of clothes than the last one, which I love. I’ve done three loads of laundry in it so far, and it works great. I’m very pleased. I hope that continues to be the case.

My daughter spent much of today with friends, and my son and I hung out. We went to the mall and he picked out some Pokemon cards and we got his favorite pizza for lunch. It was nice to spend the one-on-one time with him.

Then I met up with some friends for a sunset walk on the beach and then a yummy dinner. I really needed that time with friends, but I also needed to stay home and rest a little. I’ll probably be paying for my choice tomorrow.

It was a nice day. Exhausting, but nice.

I stayed up tonight to start sorting through the photos for the calendar. I didn’t even get out of December of last year, which has a lot of photos because my sister came to visit. And since I made the calendar during Thanksgiving break of last year nothing from December 2021 made it on there. It’s going to take a REALLY long time to sort through everything. The only good news is that I already sorted through the photos from our two big trips. and I don’t include photos from St. Louis because I make a photo book of that trip, so maybe it won’t be as bad as I’m assuming.

The kittens continue to remind us that nothing is safe or sacred. I’m realizing we may not be able to have a Christmas tree this year, at least not where we’ll see it much. I’m really sad about it – I LOVE my Christmas tree – but I’m trying to accept it. I’m going to attempt it, probably just starting with the tree, and then adding lights if I think I can, and then maybe adding some old ornaments I’m not attached to. If I can get the tree up with lights, I’ll be pretty happy.

Here are some photos from the sunset walk with friends. Doesn’t get much prettier than this.

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