Day 6 of The Vacation

I’ve opened and closed a posting page many times since we got here. I just didn’t know where to start, or what to say.

It’s been a good trip so far. The kids are sleeping really well – going to bed quickly and easily and waking up at a very reasonable time (7:30am or later!). When the kids are sleeping we all have a much better time.

We usually come to St. Louis and spend almost all our time with my one cousin and her two kids, whose gender and ages match my kids’. This year they flew in much later than us, so we’ve spent the last five days hanging out with cousins from my mom’s side of the family, and getting in all those activities that we like, but that the other family isn’t as keen on. We went swimming at my uncle’s amazing neighborhood pool (it has three water slides!), hit up the City Museum (coolest inside play space, maybe in the whole country) and Myseum, and ate at all our favorite St.L spots, like Steak n Shake and IMOs. We’ve also been to a feW BBQs with families on my mom’s side.

We’ve had to stay inside (or be swimming) because the heat and humidity are oppressive. I’m seeing a lot of “95*, feels like 112*” on my weather app. And you know what, it does feel like 112* and that doesn’t feel very good. I know this is par for the course here in the Midwest but us San Franciscans are not used to that kind of heat and humidity. We just can’t hang outside for an extended time when it’s that hot. I hope we can hit up the zoo, and the newly re-opened Arch, next week without melting.

Also the mosquitos. Holy shit do they love me and my daughter.

Today my cousin with the kids my kids’ ages comes, and also my husband, and we’re all so excited. Tomorrow my dad’s side of the family all head up to my Uncle’s farm for the 4th and for some amazing days of fun. This is the why we come to St. Louis and we’re ready for it.

Our AirBnB guests were supposed to arrive at our house yesterday. I’ve emailed a couple of times and gotten no response. I just messaged through the app, which implores you to respond within a certain time frame so hopefully they’ll let me know that everything is going okay. It would ease some low-grade stress to know that they arrived, and got the key, and are enjoying themselves.

Happy 4th of July! I’ve never felt so hopeless about the state of our country, but at least there will be fireworks.


  1. Sounds fun. It’s must be so much easier traveling with your kids now that they are a little older. We have a new baby and it’s starting from scratch all over again. Did the air bnb guests respond?

  2. Hoping you are relaxing a bit. It sounds nice beyond the weather issues. I love SF cool and foggy and fully understand how other summer normative weather is a huge change.
    re mosquitos: your next destination will have that too. REI has impregnated repellent bandanas that might help. In past they have had repellent impregnated arm bands. Or look on Amazon. Both would not be good if any child chews on clothing or articles on their bodies but can help otherwise. Absolutely get really good anti-itch cream!!!!!
    Fingers totally crossed re AirBnB guests. I am hoping it is good experience for them AND for you!
    Hold on, vote, and hope a higher percentage of the population shows up to vote. Remind everyone to keep checking that their registration is not cancelled for ANY reason or error!

  3. I live in the St Louis area and it is hot! If you need another fun place to visit inside I recommend The Magic House – my boys love going there!

    Hope you make it out to the Zoo, when it is this hot out we get there at 8am and just stay until lunch time.

    The Botanical Gardens and Purina Farms are also great places to visit in the area but both are outdoors.
    Enjoy your trip!

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