NaBloPoMo Final Thoughts + Thanksgiving Break Recap + November Goals Review

Well Thanksgiving break is over, November is over, and NaBloPoMo is over. Let’s see how it all went!

NaBloPoMo Final Thoughts

I just went back and looked at all the posts I published this month. I can’t believe election day was not even a full month away! Many of them were phoned in (literally, written on my phone), but a couple were worthwhile. As is always the case, I did not comment nearly enough, even though I read so, so many posts. I found a couple of new people, but haven’t added them to my Feedly yet (a list is sitting in a draft email somewhere). I really love NaBloPoMo and was so thankful for the camaraderie and support after the election and in the weeks that followed. I was so impressed that everyone posted daily. It was hard on some days! Really hard! A MASSIVE THANK YOU to everyone who read and commented here. It was, as always, a very gratifying experience.

Thanksgiving Break Recap

This ended up being a fairly nice break.

  • Monday was soooo lovely. I stayed home, did nothing but some work on the calendars, and ended the night binge watching the last episodes of Sunny (AppleTV+) while everyone else was out.
  • Tuesday was meh. I got the calendars ordered, but sparring was shitty.
  • Wednesday was a very nice day too. I got work done at D&Bs while my son and his friend played, I walked to the Mission, got my very favorite dish (ever!) from Mission Chinese and spent some time at the dojo with my bestie.
  • Thursday was… intense. I got the stuffing made without issue, but actual Thanksgiving was kind of stressful (for reasons I don’t feel comfortable writing about here because close family friends were involved). I had hoped my husband and I would hang out that evening, but he went to bed almost as soon as we got home.
  • Friday was surprisingly delightful. We went to Hallyu: The Korean Wave exhibit at the Asia Art Museum, and then to the downtown IKEA. I had loose plans to take the kids to Moana 2 that evening, but I had heard nothing but lukewarm things about it, so instead we watched Deadpool & Wolverine. It was then11yo’s first R-rated movie, and he was honestly kind of nervous to try it but he loved it. The 14yo did to (it’s her fifth R-rated movie, she informed us multiple times). My husband and I already saw it and loved it, so it was super fun to watch it with them. We all read a lot of Marvel comics so many of the inside jokes were appreciated by them. It was a blast.
  • Saturday was stressful. We spend the morning at my in-laws doing our traditional post-Thanksgiving breakfast with them. The food was amazing (chilequiles for breakfast and homemade pesto pizza for lunch), but the 11yo started melting down in between those meals, so he and I had to go for a walk and hit up Whole Foods for the ingredients I needed for my book club lunch on Sunday. That afternoon we went to the Chase Center for the Warrior’s tree lightening, but we could only stay for about an hour because my parents picked up the kids at 5:30 for a sleep-over. Saturday night my friends and I went axe throwing, which was fun, then went back to my house to hang out. I hadn’t planned to invite them over, but my parents took the kids, so no one was home and the house was cleaned up for book club on Sunday, so I said we could be at my house. My husband made us cocktails and it was a nice time.
  • Sunday was fine. I woke up later than I wanted, but the house and meal (Coconut Curry Chickpeas With Pumpkin and Lime) were ready on time. Two people cancelled last minute, but three people did come. They liked the food (I don’t cook often so I was nervous it wouldn’t turn out well) and we had a great discussion about the Book (Stay True, by Hua Hsu). My husband and I took a walk into the Mission after, and we talked for what felt like the first time all break. He had been really distant, and he explained why and I was glad we were finally connecting. Not being sure what was wrong made the last three days of the break very long. My parents brought the kids home around 5pm, and we’ve been doing dinner, school lunch prep, and showers since then.

All n all, it was a nice break. I know Friday I posted an “end of break blues” post, but honestly, by Saturday afternoon I was so over being with my bickering kids that I was looking forward to going to work on Monday. It’s now Sunday night and one kid is having a fit because it’s too late to watch a movie, even though we told him multiple times if he took too long eating dinner it would be too late to watch a movie. Yep! Ready to get away from everyone tomorrow.

November Must-dos and Hope-tos check-in

I posted my November Must-dos and Hope-tos as my very first NaBloPoMo post, so it seems fitting to review them here (I should have reviewed them yesterday, but as I mentioned, this weekend was CRAZY!)

Make calendars (CHECK!)

Tasks: Text SIL to get her photos, Move photos on phone to folder, Upload photos, Choose template, Make calendar for fam, Make calendar for ILs, Final check and order calendars.

I put the first three tasks on my to-do list the first two weeks of November and actually got them done then. I even chose a template the week before the break. That is how I was able to have the calendars ordered on Tuesday. It was really nice.

Put up tree (CHECK!)

Tasks: Get tree from shed, Put together tree, Get down Xmas box, Put up lights + star, Decorate with kids, Reorganize Xmas box

I did all of these by Monday, except reorganizing the Xmas box. It is a disaster area and will probably remain one until I repack it at the end of December.

Clean up downstairs (FAIL!)

Tasks: Straighten up kitchen, Wipe counters/mop kitchen, Straighten room, Vacuum/mop floor, Straighten bathroom, Wipe counters/mop floor, Clean shower

I did none of this. On Thanksgiving, when my parents offered to take the kids on Friday or Saturday night and I realized if they took them Saturday, I could host upstairs, which was in good shape, I immediately let cleaning up the downstairs fall from my to-do list. I picked it up a couple times, but it kept getting messy again. I was going to clean the shower today, but the long walk with my husband made that impossible. Hopefully I’ll get the bathroom cleaned next weekend, but honestly I do so much Xmas prep down there in December, I doubt it will ever look or feel clean in the next three weeks. This will now be a December Must-do, because I cannot let it fester for a whole other month.

1A free reading program launch (Check!)

Tasks: Library inventory, Library barcodes print, Library barcode stickers, List page finalized, Boards copied, Patron QR codes printed, Slide deck updated

I actually had this done pretty early, which was good because I had to do all of this for the 1B class too. And I’m almost done, I just need to copy the boards.

Sister in town (CHECK!)

I saw her six times! Twice with the kids, twice with our parents, once with my husband and one alone. We had some good convos and I felt like we saw each other plenty.

***Get advent calendars for kids (CHECK!)

I did not have this on the list but it should have been, and I did do it.


  • Clean out bench (to store Xmas presents) (CHECK!)
  • Learn 2/3 of form (martial arts) (Kind of check?) I learned probably closer to half but I know that part pretty well.
  • Donate clothes (Kind of check. I took one bag to the 11yo’s school but haven’t taken the other two bags to the Salvation Army drop off).
  • Get rid of fridge (FAIL! I didn’t even attempt this. Boo.)
  • Tri2 pacing guide doc (FAIL!) I actually need to plan out the next 2.5 weeks of work, and badly.
  • 1B library ready (CHECK! I thought this was a hope-to but it was a must-do (if I wanted to not get behind this month).

I need to do some work planning and some life planning for December. I feel like I’m starting the month behind. I’ll try to post my December Must-dos and Hope-tos soon. Maybe tomorrow?

{Sometimes I wonder if I should split posts like this up and publish them separately. What are you thoughts? Do you prefer sparser, longer posts, or more frequent, shorter posts?}

NaBloPoMo Final Post

It’s 11:23pm and I haven’t written my finally post! But my friends are still here and I can’t write now so I’ll put this up and then write a proper post tomorrow.

I did go axe throwing today!

I started strong (my axe hit on the fist try). But I lost in the end. By a lot.

End of break blues

It’s only Friday night, but I’m having seriously end of break blues. I’m not sure quite why. Maybe it’s because the next two days are really busy and will feel hectic. Maybe it’s because I’m realizing that I won’t have completed some big tasks on my to-do list. Maybe it’s because I’m hosting book club on Sunday and hosting is just not my jam.

But I did order some more sweatshirt dresses from H&M today, because sweatshirt dresses are my jam. It’s nice to have something to look forward to after we go back to school.

I hope to write more about the randomness that was my Black Friday purchases (which were made all week, and not really today), but like I said, the next two days will be busy.

I guess I’m ending NaBloPoMo with a whimper, and not a bang.

I ran this morning. And even though I felt like shit (again!), the weather and views were BEAUTIFUL.

San Francisco, showing off her stuff.
Mt. Diablo looking stunning.

Thankful Thanksgiving Thursday

I am thankful for so much this year. Making the calendar I was reminded of how many amazing things we did this summer. How many friends and family we spent time with and how many fabulous places we visited. We are incredibly lucky and I don’t take it for granted. At least it try not to.

We had a wonderful meal with my parents and family friends. It’s always a lot – so many people talking over each other. It’s loud and overstimulating, but I always appreciate being with people who mean a lot to me. I make the stuffing and my parents make pretty much everything else. Then my husband and I do the dishes.

Right now my stomach isn’t sure about everything I ate so I’m going to cut this post short. I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving if you celebrate.

Skin Care Regimen – Rosacea edition

I’m at Dave & Busters, taking advantage of their half-off games day to give the 11yo a special day this break. He and his friend are out playing and winning tickets for prizes, while I’m on my computer working on a tedious school thing that was accessible offline. I just completed as much of the work thing as I can today, so I thought I’d get a post written.

Jenny just asked for help with face care, because she has rosacea and is experiencing a flair. I also have rosacea, and it’s taken me quite a while to find a skin care regiment that doesn’t provoke it. I was already considering writing a post about what I use on my face, and her post prompted me to finally do so.

I used to have VERY oily skin. When I was a teenager I washed my face with Dial antibacterial hand soap. The orange kind! And this was when I swam, so I already had chlorine drying out my skin. But back then my face could not be dried out. Eventually I took Acutaine, which dried the shit out of my skin, and everything else in my body. I have big feelings about what that drug did to me, but I’m not going to go into that here.

In my 20s and 30s my skin was great. It was one of my best features! After 40, not so much. I started getting blotchy discoloration on my cheeks, and then I started getting red bumps across my cheeks and nose. I can’t pin point anything that first triggered the rosacea (I eventually looked it up and learned what it was), except maybe perimenopause? I think they coincided, but I’m not sure if it’s correlation or causation.

Pustule jump scare! Sorry!

For years I used Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser on my face, but now I’m a big fan of oil based cleansers. I love this one, but Costco stopped carrying it. Then I got this Japanese cleanser a bunch from Costco. Now I’m using the Korean face cleanser shown below (because yes, you guessed it, it was on sale at Costco). This stuff almost wants to make my rosacea flare up, but I really love the way it makes my face feel. I’ll probably go back to one of the other ones when I’m done with the THREE giant bottles I bought.

I LOOOOOVE my Acure Argan Oil. I get MANY of them from Whole Foods when they are on sale and will never stop using it. No matter what else I put on my face, the Argan oil is a base. The Adler New York Nourishing Cream was given to me (I believe it was in an event bag) and I like it, and it doesn’t irritate my skin. I use it probably 2-3x a week (when I wash my face upstairs before bed, because I didn’t shower). I got a bunch of the Alba Hemp SPF 15 lotions from Grocery Outlet and have been working through them. They don’t feel greasy and they don’t irritate my rosacea. I only use it in the summer though, I should have spf on my face more. The Naturium Azelaic Topical Acid 10% was purchased after I read that two of it’s ingredients help with rosacea. I do think it helps with flares, and I use it when I see my skin is starting to get red. The Clinique redness solutions is for when shit is bad and I need to cover up the worst of it.

The thing that helps manage my rosacea best? This Gotucream, which I ordered for my daughter’s ring worm (it would NOT go away), and then saw on a list of products that might help manage rosacea. Since I had it already, I gave it a try. And I have to say, it’s been very helpful, which is almost annoying because the tea tree smell is STRONG, and since it’s on my face, I smell it for a while! I use it every time I take a shower, which is 4-5x a week (and why it’s not in the photo – those are products I use in the upstairs bathroom, where I brush my teeth and wash my face most of the time (the water gets hot in like 10 seconds up there, instead of several minutes downstairs). My little pot is almost out and I’m realizing I will have to get a new one. It’s definitely the most effective thing I’ve found for my rosacea.

The only other thing I use on my face is Cetaphil Exfoliating Face Wash in the shower. But honestly, I don’t love the smell and when the second tube is out, I’m going to get the St. Ives Blackhead Clearing Face Scrub again, which is cheaper and also works well on my skin (my daughter loves it too).

And that is what I use on my face. I wear NO make up. Like none except for very special occasions (maybe 4-5x a year). I don’t wear concealer or eye liner or mascara (despite having VERY small eyes that could use some help). I don’t even wear lip gloss. This is mostly due to laziness. I have never worn make-up and I probably never will. I just can’t be bothered to put it on, and I definitely can’t be bothered to take it off. I did put some on for the party on Saturday and was pleased that it didn’t make my rosacea flare. It’s good to know I can wear it if I want to.

What is your favorite face care product? Do you wear make-up? Do you have rosacea? If so, what makes it flare up and what calms it down?

I can’t help but include today’s Reductress. It’s just too perfect. 🤣

The first couple days of break

Yesterday was a lovely first day of break. I never left the house. I didn’t change out of my pjs. I never even put on a bra! The weather was cold and wet and grey, perfect for lounging around and that’s what we did. Ornaments were put on the tree and progress was made on the calendars.

In the evening the 14yo went skating with a friend and the 11yo went to a movie with his dad and I was blissfully alone at home for almost THREE HOURS. It was the perfect end to a perfect first day of break.

Today was not as perfect. I had to run errands, and take the 14yo to a doctor’s appointment (she has another appointment with sports medicine for her shoulder next week). We had to wait a while for her prescription to be filled at the pharmacy. Finally the 11yo went to the final classes offered at the dojo this week, where I got my ass handed to me at sparring.

I did get the calendars ordered. They were driving me crazy and I knew I’d keep working on them until I ordered them so after several hours of working on them in the morning I completed the order. I’m so glad that is off my plate.

Tomorrow is the middle of the break. So far I’ve had a lovely day and an okay day, so I can’t complain.

How is your Thanksgiving week going? Are you working? Are you off? When do the festivities begin for you?

{I was going to find a photo to post, but I’ve been looking at so many lately, I just couldn’t bring myself to open my Photos folder. 🤦‍♀️)

Weekend + Workout Recap


Saturday the 11yo and I were back at the dojo, this time for his belt ceremony and board breaking. I was assisting that day and I had to hold several boards for breaking. My finger tips are still a little numb! The 11yo did great! He broke both his boards and got his third stripe. Next stop – his red belt!

My husband picked up the 11yo to walk home and I stayed for more classes. We reviewed my previous form, which I have pretty much forgotten. Then we worked on some higher rank skills that I can always use practice on.

Back at home I took the tree out from the shed, because Saturday was dry and Sunday it was supposed to rain again. But then I realized I couldn’t really leave the tree up without securing it to the wall (Panther loves to climb up into it), and I couldn’t secure it to the wall before putting the lights on. So I stuck it in the backroom until later. Then I got ready for the party. The 11yo went to his grandparents’ house and the 14yo’s friends came over (the daughters of the friends I was going to the party with that night).

The party Saturday night was really fun. I left early and took the bus to my friend’s house and then we walked to the party (even though the party was much closer to my house, I just wanted to walk with her). We were kind of friends-of-friends there, but everyone was so nice and we had a ton a fun. I was really struck by how long everyone there had known each other, several of them were friends from elementary school! And they are still close enough to be coming to little house parties like this. That is rare in San Francisco I think. Very rare. Most people end up moving away eventually.

Check out this ice cream cake shaped like a turkey! The birthday girl is vegetarian, and she loves this cake! ha!

Sunday ended up being dry again, and beautiful! With the 11yo out of the house the morning was very quiet. I wrote yesterday’s post about the division of labor in our marriage. This took a LONG time, as I kept pausing to do laundry and other chores. About two hours later I posted it and started pressuring the 14yo and her friends to get ready for a walk (them) / run (me) at the Great Highway. We made it out of the house by 12:30 and it was still nice over there when we arrived.

The girls walking on the Great Highway

I will say, this four mile run was a little rough. I’ve had so few good runs lately. Is it because I’ve been doing more cardio on the bike? I’m not sure, but when I turned around and realized how hard the wind was blowing, I felt super defeated. It was a looong four miles.

Afterward I took the girls to In-N-Out for lunch. It was CRAZY there and it took 25 minutes to get our food! By the time we got home it was 3:30! The girls played some MarioKart and SmashBros for about an hour, while I did some upper body and core strength, then I took everyone home.

That evening I put the tree up, put the lights on, and secured it to the wall. The kids wanted to put on the decorations, but I said no because I knew Monday was going to be a looong day with not much to do. So we left it up with lights, which change colors from white to colors. The lights are probably my favorite part of the tree.

The tree with just lights, and the three new ornaments I got the kids this year. ::facepalm::

It was so nice not to have to pack lunches for school the next day! And we all, very ceremoniously, turned off our early morning alarms for the week! Let the break begin!

After the kids went to bed my husband and I watched a couple episodes of Party Down while we enjoyed some cocktails with the delightful sesame infused vodka he made. It’s soooo good. I also started the calendar! I’m still working on it today, but I’m VERY pleased that I got it started last night. I think I’ll be done with one calendar by today, then tomorrow I can make a copy of it, and edit it for my in-laws. If I order them all by Wednesday I will be one happy panda.


M: Rest

Tu: Sparring concepts + Sparring

W: 15min climb ride w/ Tunde (1/31/24) + 10 min Arms & Shoulders with Rebecca Kennedy (1/26/24) + 10 min stability ball ab video

Th: Rest

F: 30 min Bike Bootcamp 50/50 w/ Jess Sims (10/24/24)

Sa: Sparring + Forms + High Belt

Su: 4 mile ride + 10 min core w/ Tunde (11/3/24) + 10 min Arms & Shoulders with Rebecca Kennedy (1/26/24)

Who does what around here (a post about our division of labor)

It’s a quiet Sunday morning. It’s 9am, but no one is up yet except the cats. The 11yo is with his grandparents and the 14yo is still asleep (as are her two friends). My husband is downstairs, still in bed.

So this seems like the perfect time to write about who does what around here. I love reading other people’s division of labor posts, and have been wanting to write one myself. I’m a little disappointed that it’s happening at the tail end of NaBloPoMo, but I suppose better late than never.

I’ve been considering a way to organize these thoughts – weekday vs weekend? time of day? – but nothing seems to work perfectly, so I’ll probably be putting it together in some haphazard, hard to follow way. I apologize in advance.

In some ways, my husband and I don’t follow gender norms, and in some ways we are the poster couple of stereotypical division of labor in the US. My husband does most of the cooking. I prepare (and I use that word purposefully, because it rarely involves actual ingredients) most of the kids meals, but he does the bulk of the cooking. I endeavor to cook us a meal once a week, but there are many weeks when that doesn’t happen. There are also many weeks when he isn’t cooking nightly, in fact he rarely cooks every night (we eat leftovers, or something easy like pasta, or we’ll “scrounge” – our word for us each putting together anything that satisfies us.) Still, my husband definitely spends more time in the kitchen than I do.

And he’s not in there just cooking. He also does the dishes a lot (this is probably a 75/25% split) and loads and runs the dishwasher (the 14yo empties it). He keeps track of what we need to restock in the kitchen. I do a fair amount of our grocery shopping at Costco (cereal, pasta, Mac n Cheese, butter, cream cheese, tofu, frozen waffles, chicken nuggets, frozen fruit) and the short stops in a local grocery store for milk, veggies and other perishables that I can’t buy in bulk. My husband does at least one giant TJs shop a month for other essentials.

I buy basically everything else, for everybody. That includes toiletries (shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, facial cleanser, etc) for myself, the kids and my husband, along with clothes, outerwear, shoes, school supplies, etc. My husband recently made his own Macy’s order, but in the past I’ve purchased, or helped him purchase, most of his clothes. I also buy everything for the cats, which isn’t nothing because one of them has dietary restrictions, so I can only get them certain food from certain places.

On weekend mornings I get up at 6am to finish the kids’ lunches (they each have five Bentgos and they pack the non-perishable snack sections all at once on Sundays, so I only add the sandwich, or bagel in the morning). This year I also make the 14yos breakfast and get her out of bed, but my husband has been the sole parent on kid morning duty for every other year. He makes them breakfast and makes sure they get ready on time (and used to get them ready when they needed the help) and out the door. He also feeds the cats in the morning, which is a real task because someone needs to sit with them until Panther stops eating, to make sure Serval doesn’t come over and eat all her food before she has a chance to do so herself.

While my husband takes mornings with the kids, I’m in charge of afternoons and all the driving that accompanies that time frame (we only have one car and I’m usually driving it, so I do pretty much any errand that requires the car). I’ve spend countless hours driving them to swimming (14yo) or martial arts (11yo), though those requirements are changing (the 14yo gets herself to and from swim now and the 11yo walks home from school instead of getting picked up from aftercare). I am the one who takes them to all their other special events (birthdays, friends’ houses) and appointments (doctors, dentist). I’m usually the one who plans something to do on the weekends to get them out of the house and I am ALWAYS the one who makes plans with their friends, and the one who hosts their friends when they are at our house.

My husband does plan fun outings for the family, but I am also expected to join. He very rarely does something with the kids without me, though he does take the 14yo to concerts and recently took the 11yo to a Warriors game. I think he’ll do more with them as they get older and want to do things he likes doing.

I also need to add that my husband plans our date nights and trips. He makes reservations and thinks of fun things we can do near those reservations. When we went to Mexico City he had reservations for us at all the most popular bars and restaurants months in advance. I am HORRIBLE about this kind of thing and very much appreciate that he takes the time to research good places and make reservations. It would take me hours to do the same.

And the husband does do a fair amount of other kinds of planning. He usually initiates the summer camp conversation and already has some ideas bookmarked for each kid. He initiates the summer travel conversations and either books the tickets (if we’re all flying together) or makes sure I book them (if the kids and I are flying before/after him). He handles all our money stuff, which I’m embarrassed about, but also thankful for because I was horrible with my own money stuff before we met and am very thankful that he manages it now. I know he’s doing a MUCH better job than I could.

He also manages the tech stuff in our house, including the kids’ device limits. I get VERY frustrated when tech stuff doesn’t work, and can barely turn on the Switch, and LOATHE trying to interact with our son’s Apple watch, so I really appreciate this.

While my husband does pick up around the house, and especially in the kitchen, I do all the cleaning. For years I would look at the counter he cleared off and wonder, how could he now also wipe it down! It’s disgusting! But now I just feel thankful he cleared it off, so I can do the most satisfying part myself. I sweep (daily), vacuum (weekly) and mop (monthly?) the floors. I dust and shake out the rugs. The kids clean the upstairs bathroom that we all use (14yo – sink and 11yo – toilet), but I clean their shower and our bathroom downstairs. My husband is better at helping the kids tidy up their bedrooms and then I clean them (the 11yo does vacuums his own carpet, the 14yo sweeps her room).

I change the sheets on the beds (but only once a month – maybe? I want to do a post about how frequently I do things, because I’m pretty sure I don’t change my sheets or wash my towels frequently enough). I do all the laundry, and it’s mostly done on the weekends. I fold everyone’s clothes, but the kids put theirs away (I tried having the 14yo do her own laundry, and fold her own clothes, but it ended up being more of a headache than just doing it myself. I’m hoping to retry next year when we’re past the initial transition to high school and she has the bandwidth for it). I honestly don’t mind folding laundry – putting it away is my least favorite part, so right now I’m okay with this.

I fix things around the house. I unclog sinks and bathtubs. I build furniture when we get it (because it’s always from IKEA). I hang and mount things on the walls. I am definitely the “handy man” around here. My father-in-law bought me my drill!

I also do all the driving. When we take a road trip, I drive most of the time. I am way more comfortable behind the wheel than my husband. I take the car for servicing and to get new tires. The car is definitely my domain, not my husband’s.

I’m sure there are things I’m forgetting, and I wonder what my husband would think of this post. Does he do more than I don’t even see? My first instinct is, “I doubt it!” because I feel like I am aware of everything that happens around here, at least as it relates to our family. But there probably are things he does that I’m not mentioning, because I either don’t know about them or am not aware enough about them. I’m also probably forgetting some things I do. Still, this is a fairly accurate accounting of our division of labor.

As many of you know, the division of labor has been a point of contention in our marriage, and for years I harbored major resentments. The pandemic changed our dynamic quite a bit and now I feel better about things. Would I appreciate a little more support sometimes? Yes. Do I wish my husband could do more without getting exhausted or sulking? Yes. But we’ve found a split that works well enough for us, at least most of the time. Things are definitely a lot better than they were when the kids were young, and required way more of our time. Maybe they will continue to get better as the kids get older.

Going out

I’m going out with a friend to another’s friend’s party tonight. I so rarely go out like this. I hope it’s fun!

It didn’t rain today so there is that. I’ll take a dry day!

This isn’t much of a post, but I don’t want to miss a day so I’m goin to post it!

Five on Friday: Things I hope to do this break

IT IS THANKSGIVING BREAK! Thank the gods. I’m so, so happy it’s finally hear.

I don’t care much about actual Thanksgiving day but I do love a week off of school!

Here are some things I hope to do this week.

Prepare for Christmas. This weekend I want to put up the tree and our other (sparse) decorations. I also need to prep for Heart and Toot’s arrival (out Elf on a Shelf and her reindeer).

Clean the downstairs. I am hosting book club on the 1st and I host downstairs which means I need to do a LOT of work to get the downstairs ready. I’m looking forward to it though because that space is driving me crazy.

Post and COMMENT! I want to write some more substantial blog post and do some big comment drops on other people’s blogs. I’m going to end NaBloPoMo strong!

Create and order the calendars. I am thinking this won’t be so bad which probably means it will. I should start it sooner rather than later.

Chill out! A crazy atmospheric river came through today and dropped historic amounts of rain on the Bay Area. More rain (but nothing like we had today) is forecasted for the next few days and I plan to take advantage of the grey skies to make a me-shaped indentation in my couch. Bring on the cat laps!

These are the cats I want on my lap