So close!

Just one more work day until the break. I keep catching myself thinking it’s the winter break. That is how late this feels for me. (Did you know 11/28 is the LATEST Thanksgiving can be? This month the 1st was on a Friday. If the 1st were on a Wednesday or Thursday, there would be a fifth Thursday, and Thanksgiving wouldn’t be this late. This is literally the latest it can be in the month. NOT A FAN!)

This week has been brutal. I’ve gotten so much done. My grades are, for the most part, finalized. I just scored all the work that came in this week, including two sets of test. I commented on all the 1A students’ free writing books. I put barcodes on all the books in the 1B library. I put the 1B classes into groups and chose a book for each group (which I will give them tomorrow and we will start after the break). I only have two big work projects to do over the break, and I’m quite proud of that.

I am so, so SO happy that tomorrow is Friday and by 3:05pm I will be on my first big break of the school year. Let’s do this!

Not just a regular Wednesday

It was not just a regular Wednesday for a number of reasons.

I left work early, because we had no staff meeting and I had to be at my son’s school for his conference.

My husband took the 11yo to a Warriors game at the Chase Center. They took a Waymo home (my son has been wanting to ride in one for a long time). This was a very special day for the 11yo indeed, and when he got home he said, and it’s just a Wednesday!

I picked up my daughter from swimming after dropping my son and husband off at the Chase Center. I haven’t driven to that pool in ages (and I don’t miss it). She had no homework, so we watched Sweet Bobby on Netflix. I had listened to the podcast so I knew how it was going to end. My daughter’s mind was blown.

It rained! A lot! It was our first big rain of the season and it’s supposed to rain on and off for the next 10 days.

I was told very wonderful things about my son from his teacher. It was maybe the best parent-teacher conference I’ve ever attended.

It was definitely not just a regular Wednesday.

Stewing in discontent

I’m in a foul mood this evening because the replacement battery that I ordered (after I cleaned out the filter and checked that nothing was obstructing any of the airways) when my Dyson cordless vacuum cleaner stopped working finally came today and it did NOT fix my Dyson. So now I have to send it back. I’ll probably spend $30+ on shipping both ways and for nothing but lost time (both the two hours I spent chatting online with an “expert” to determine a new battery should fix the problem and the days I’ve been waiting for the battery to arrive).

My son’s new shoes came and he doesn’t want them because his friend just got the exact same pair.

I’m just so, so annoyed right now.

I ordered new shoes. I ordered a new vacuum. I spent $$$$$$$$. Tomorrow I have to deal with all the returns and I’m NOT looking forward to it.

I know these are the firstest of first world problems. I know I need to get over myself. But it ain’t gonna happen tonight! Tonight I’m going to stew in my discontent.

In the meantime, here is a pretty picture of my favorite place in the world, looking beautiful in the early morning (I pulled off the freeway during my commute and drove a quarter mile out of my way to take this shot).


I am feeling SOOOO restless lately. The fact that we’re at school this week is throwing me. It’s not just that all the assignments I’m posting on Google Classroom from last year have next week’s dates, it’s like there is something deep inside me that feels like we should be on break. Maybe my internal clocks are so linked to the academic calendar that they can sense it’s been a week too long! Maybe I’m just crazy.

I am jonsing for the break though. And I’m trying hard to figure out what exactly I am jonsing for. Do I want to sit on the couch and binge watch something? Do I want to organize? Purge? I can’t really figure it out. I need to clean up the downstairs and make the calendar. But there are a lot of days next weeks and so far the only thing on the calendar is Thanksgiving afternoon at my parents’ house. I just want to make sure I’m taking full advantage of the first break of the year. That I feel like my cup is filled at the end of it.

Of course we’ll be back at school only 2.5 weeks before the big winter break. I hate this. My schedule is so screwed. I’m honestly not sure how I’m going to manage it. I’m already so behind and only having 2.5 weeks between the breaks is going to throw all the wrenches in my plans.

Today I had some space in my evening – just an hour or so – and I didn’t know what to do with it. I felt so restless. I did comment on some blogs! I’ve been meaning to do that for so long and I finally had the time and I did it! It wasn’t enough, but it was something.

I need to start thinking about presents and buying stuff but I can’t think of a damn thing to get. I’ve checked some of my favorite money-holes and nothing is catching my eye. My kids are older and it’s so much harder to get them things. It’s probably for the best, as we could use the money and I always spend too much at this time of year. It will be GOOD if I don’t find a bunch of dumb stuff to buy. That is a positive development. And yet…

The post-election depression isn’t helping. I haven’t written about it in a while, but it’s still bumming me out (understatement of the year). I feel like there hasn’t been much written (in the major news outlets) about what an absolute dumpster fire this country has become for women, but it’s been a big focus for me and my feelings. If my 20 year old self found out where this country would be at this point, she wouldn’t believe it. 44 year old me is incredulous. I just feel so lied to. Everything we were taught was a fucking scam. It makes me sick. And fucking furious. I really do not know how to process it.

Blerg. I didn’t mean to write such a downer post. Shit is not that bad (for me). I will be fine. I’m lucky that I live in a state that is more interested in protecting my rights than the federal government. We have resources. We are not being targeted directly by this hideous administration and it’s disastrous policies. We will most likely be okay. That is not the case for so many people in this country. I know I have it better than most people.

Okay, enough politics. I thought it might make me feel better to acknowledge it, but it’s just making me more mad. It’s having the opposite affect than intended!!!!

Four more days until Thanksgiving Break. I can make it four more days.

Weekend + Workout Recap


This weekend was nice. It was a good mixture of scheduled activities and down time, seeing people and being solo. I wish VERY much that Thanksgiving break were this week (it SHOULD be this week!), but I tomorrow is a work day so I have to push though.

Friday I dropped my son at the dojo then went to Costco. I didn’t need much, but a ton of stuff was on sale so I spent $265. Not at all surprising. Back at home my husband and I started His Three Daughters, but he passed out early and I had to finish it myself (not uncommon on Friday night).

Saturday morning my son and I were at the dojo by 9:45. The test was over 2.5 hours long and then I stayed for a couple of my classes. I was there for over five hours! I was really tired by the time I got home, but I still did a little workout on the bike, because I missed sparring and felt like I needed to get my heart rate up. My son had a friend over to spend the night and he arrived around 5:30. My husband and I walked up to the new burrito place and made our first order. They were amazing! We’re so excited to have a quality burrito spot nearby. Back at home the boys decided to watch the first Venom movie, but not before we signed up for a seven day free trial of Starz so they could watch the second movie (the trailer freaked them out). That night my husband and I watched the first couple episodes of the Party Down reboot. It was so good! We’ve watched the original seasons so many times and I didn’t have high hopes for the reboot, but it has been really good.

Sunday morning I got worked done while the boys played video games. My son’s friend left around 11am, and we laid low for a couple hours – the kids reading while I did work. At 2:30, the kids and I drove down to my parents’ house. We did an escape room game with my sister for a couple hours, hugged her good bye (she leaves tomorrow), then headed home. It was good to see her one last time, and to kill a few hours with the kids on a slow Sunday. At home I worked out, we had dinner, watched some Parks and Rec and got ready for the week.

I got a seven loads of laundry done! I ordered my son new shoes! I finished checking over AND COMMENTING ON all the 1B Trimester 1 Reflections. Woot!

Two cats on/near my lap while I watched Venom.


M: 4 mi run at the Great Highway (both kids came to ride their bikes!) + Dale Duro 30 min Upper Body

Tu: Sparring concepts + Sparring

W: Rest day

Th: Dale Duro 30 min Full Body Strength + 15 min R&B Ride w/ Tunde (10/7/24)

F: Costco!

Sa: 30 min Intervals + Arms w/ Tunde (11/7/24) + 10 stability ball core workout

Su: 30 min Bike Bootcamp 50/50 w/ Tunde (10/1/24) + CG Dead Bug workout

Belt Test

My son had his belt test today. I assisted. It was long. 40 kids tested! My son was the senior student. He did a great job.

High belts doing line drills.
Circled up after the test.

Im so thankful for our dojo. It’s a really great space and I’m grateful to be a part of it.

Five on Friday: It finally feels like fall edition

September and October are our most beautiful months and sometimes that wonderful weather pushes into November. It did this year, and I feel like it’s only just this week starting to feel like fall. Here are five reasons why.

The heat came on! We put our thermostat pretty low, and earlier this week the heat finally kicked on when the temperature in the house hit 60*. This morning it was 58* when I came downstairs.

The sun no longer hits our back patio. The sun has moved to hit the front of the house all day, which is nice because we get good light and warmth in the main rooms of the upstairs. Our room and our son’s room, both at the back of the house, are really chilly right now. I even moved my hanging plant to the front entryway again! I love when it’s by the front door, but it starts to die there in the summer when the front gets no sun. Right now it’s thriving.

Some neighborhood lights are up. We don’t put our tree up until the last week of November, but some of our neighbors have lights up. And a few even have their trees in the windows. I’m definitely ready for Christmas decorations. I love all the lights.

Very short days. It’s getting dark so early now. I feel so tired by 5:30 when it’s black outside. It’s been hard to motivate when my body things it’s time for bed.

It rained! Twice! And today it was pretty chilly! Last Saturday and Sunday were so beautiful and then on Monday morning it rained. Fairly hard! I actually almost got in a wreck on the highway coming home from my parents’ house because the concrete was so slick. It probably hasn’t rained properly in months! Then it rained again (briefly) on Thursday. Today the high was 57* down by work! I know that is balmy for this time of year in most of the country, but people were bundled up! I wore my warm Uggs and I was glad I did.

Rainbow on Thursday

Trimester 1 Reflection

Tomorrow is the last day of the first trimester. My 8th graders have been struggling this year. I’m not sure if it’s because I have two classes, which means more students, which means a wider span of ability levels. Or if it’s something else. All I know is I have more students struggling this year than ever before.

In September, I missed our first district-wide professional development day (Covid), and was placed in the “Inclusivity” group. We’re focusing on ways to make the curriculum accessible to all students, especially those that struggle to meet the standards. I’m also being observed this year, and have decided to focus on supporting students at all levels. I’m quite pleased that my professional development focus is so relevant to my specific situation this year, and that I can incorporate it into my observation requirements. It’s rare when district obligations feel useful.

One “area of growth” I’ve identified for many of my students is knowing how to study. I have been giving them specific resources to study, and yet the ones that need to review them the most rarely do so. I’ve talked to them about passive studying (just looking over notes) and active studying (attempting practice problems or doing written practice that can be checked). I’ve also noticed that students rarely look at the rubric I used to score their projects, and lost points in the same general areas over and over again.

Tomorrow I’ll be giving students their first reflection; asking them to write down their scores for every test and quiz, and then mark down the specific ways they studied for each. I’ll also be requiring them to return to the project rubrics and record what score they got on each criterion.

Many students in my 1B classes want to skip Spanish 1 in high school and go straight to Spanish 2 as freshman. The foreign language program at the high school we feed into is rigorous. They move very quickly through a challenging curriculum. Not only do my students need to know the material to be successful in Spanish 2, but they also need to know how to manage a heavy workload, recognize when they need to review a topic, study for a test, and understand project requirements and meet them.

This year more students than ever before need explicit instruction in pretty much all of these areas. It’s adding a lot to my plate, but I hope I can rise to the challenge, and create the scaffold that students at all levels can utilize to be successful in my class, and their future language classes.

I also hope that these reflections help parents recognize where their students are right now, and what they are capable of, so they have realistic expectations going into the next school year.

A teacher can dream, right?! 😉

In the mix mew

I had some time to get work done at home today. And I also had a cat who was very much in the mix. She wanted to be on my papers, and on my lap, and attacking my legs and playing with my phone. She was so very in the mix.

And right now she is making biscuits on my lap.

I love this cat.

Sub plans

I’ve said it before and I will say it again, not being at school is the hardest part of being a teacher. Writing sub plans sucks. Reading the sub notes when you get back sucks. Realizing they didn’t do stuff right and having to do it over sucks. It’s just really hard.

I very rarely take days off because of this. I even go to work sick when I probably shouldn’t because of this.

But tomorrow I’m taking off to join my husband and son on the first of three middle school tours. We’re going on the second tour on Thursday and I’m taking off two block periods for that too.

(I wasn’t very worried about where my daughter went to middle school. She is a flexible, resilient kid who makes friends easily and does well in most academic environments. (Well, I guess it’s better to say academic environment doesn’t really affect her negatively, it isn’t what makes things hard for her). My son is more sensitive and he will struggle more to be successful in a school if it isn’t the right fit. That is why I’m taking off to join the tours, because I want to participate in the decision-making around how to rank our choices.)

It took an hour longer than I expected to get my sub plans ready. I barely made it home in time to get my son to the dojo before his class started. But I got them done and I stayed for Sparring Concepts and Sparring and did all the chores at home and now it’s 10:16pm and I’m waiting for my daughter to shower so I can make sure she’s going to be in bed at a decent hour.

I’ll let you all know how the tours go. And I’ll talk a little about the insane SFUSD lottery and what families do through to keep their kids in public schools in this city.