Requesting a do-over

{Posting this at work, where the internet is back up! – Also, I realized I never thanked everyone for their comments of support, and advice, on my post about my husband struggling. I REALLY appreciated all of them. They helped me feel less alone, and gave me some ideas for how to proceed. Things are still rough, but this past week was better than previous weeks. Just wanted to put some gratitude out there, before this super down post. ::face palm::}

I’m writing this in a Word document! Because the internet it out at our house. At least we have power.

Remember how it was sunny yesterday afternoon? Well, that was short lived. Today it poured all day. And then the wind picked up. We lost power at work again. It came back within an hour, but the internet didn’t. The internet probably won’t be up again tomorrow. At least this time we can make photocopies if we can’t use the computers.

The wind was really brutal today. By the time I was driving home there were trees down all over the place. I counted 11 while I was driving to and from my kids’ activities.

So much driving today. So much traffic. I guess a big rig blew over on the Bay Bridge which meant traffic from that was spilling over into downtown. I got into my car at work at 3:11 and did not pull into my garage until 6:42. I spent all but 15 minutes of that driving (and 10 of those 15 minutes I spent waiting in the car).

Most of that 3+ hours of driving in the rain, wind, and gridlock traffic, I was fuming about work. I found out today, from one of my students, that the high school we feed into is having a Spanish 2 entrance assessment NEXT WEEK. On Wednesday. They have never administered an assessment in the spring like that. Not in the 19 years I’ve been teaching at the school. This year they are, and they didn’t bother to reach out to one of the two middle schools that provides most of their students. I even reached out to them in September, expressing concerns about their ever-shifting Spanish 2 enrollment processes, and they assured me I knew everything I needed to know. I’m so furious at myself for not double checking a couple months ago. They’ve never afforded me the courtesy of an update when they change their process. They’ve never reached out to me one time, about anything. And when I reach out to them, they make it clear that I’m a nuisance they just want to make go away.  

I’m going to look like such an incompetent asshole when I tell parents about this. I JUST sent home recommendation letters explaining how students would be assessed in the fall (this is what they did to students who enrolled in Spanish 2 last year). Now their students will have less than a week to review for a test that I know nothing about. I’m so upset. I feel like no one gives a fuck about me or my program. I feel like I’m left to fend for myself. I feel like a fool for thinking I could manage all this, when no one is willing to support me.

So yeah. Today sucked.

All day, I looked forward to watching something on the elliptical when I got home, but instead I’m writing about my shitty day in a Word document. Sounds about right.


  1. I am so very sorry about the Spanish assessment fiasco. I wish I had some positive ideas but I don’t. The blatant rudeness in the lack of coordination with middle schools is simply appalling.
    Was thinking about you and commutes and car pooling yesterday during the afternoon storms. Glad you were safe although driving in horrible traffic. Was deeply grateful my electricity did NOT go out this time. 30 hrs last week was long enough and so cold with no heat in house. The big rig on the bridge was scary to see in pictures. Amazing no one died. The blowing out of glass in high rises, the downed power lines and trees…….the flooding. Not fun.
    Support and caring sent.

  2. Man I’m sorry your Wednesday was so terrible. This weather has been pretty unbelievable. The wind alone is a wrecking ball. Our neighbors have had fences down, the local shopping conters have had lampposts go down, we’ve been lucky to only lose power and Internet repeatedly but PiC’s drainage system he rigged up last year seems to be doing a decent job (as far as I can tell) at diverting water where it should be going. Not that I’m willing to go into the crawl space to find out. And ugh the mold has taken the damp as permission to proliferate like BONKERS so we’re going to be doing yet another round or seven of mold scraping. Blech. *Anyway.* As much as we need the water, I sure hope we can look forward to a break from it soonish.

    About Hawaii, you may already know this but if you get an Alaska Air card, you can get an annual companion fare for $101(plus tax) each year. So if you’re making that an annual thing, even with the $95 annual fee, it could be well worth it for you to get two of the four fares for about $230 each when you buy a fare for other two. That’s what we used when we had to travel a few months ago and it saved quite a bit. YMMV of course 🙂

  3. Oops I was reading about Hawaii in an earlier post and commented on that here when I meant to say: I hope your students’ parents will understand that you didn’t have control over those schools being jerks and refusing to give you any useful information in a timely manner.

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