The weekend I needed

It was a nice weekend. First of all, NO ONE WAS SICK! I can’t believe it was just last weekend that I was puking everywhere, and the weekend before that my husband was out of town and my son was puking everywhere. No wonder I’ve been so underwater lately!

Also, the sun came out today! It’s been raining all week (again!) and it rained most of Saturday, but today it was positively brilliant out. My son and I walked all the way home from the Mission, so we definitely had a chance to enjoy it.

Here is our weekend recap:

Friday night I taught the kids’ class at the dojo (my first time!). Then I got some stuff done at home while the kids played their video games.

Saturday morning I went to the general class, and sparring at the dojo. When I got home, my son’s friend came over for a sleep over that we scheduled six weeks ago (this friend is VERY busy). I took them both to a bowling alley in Pacifica that is going to close at the end of the month, both to bowl and to pick up my daughter from a birthday party. But the wait was too long for the timing to work, so my in-laws graciously agreed to come get her.

After two fun games of bowling, the boys and I got In-n-Out on the way home. The boys played video games while I watched my Spanish language show downstairs (and my husband went to a concert). The boys were in bed by 10:30 and my husband and I finished a movie we started last weekend before I got sick. At some point I got my story forms done for the three 1A classes, which was the bulk of the work I absolutely had to get done this weekend.

Sunday morning I got some laundry done and took the bearded dragon out for his bath in the sun. Then the boys and I went to see the new Guardians of the Galaxy movie at the Alamo Drafthouse. We walked the friend home after the movie, then walked all the way home ourselves.

My husband met us on the way home so we could just keep going to the library, where we returned a massive amount of books, and checked out a few more.

I was going to run, but the wind had picked up, and it was pretty late, so I hopped on the elliptical machine, where I got all my 1A digital portfolios started. These have been weighing on me, so getting them started is huge. I’m also wrote this blog post!

Tonight I still have to finalize and download all the 1A video skits from a couple weeks ago, but that is the only thing that has to get done before I go to bed tonight, and it shouldn’t take too long. All in all, a pretty low key weekend. I’m so glad my son’s sleep over was a success. He’s been waiting to have this friend over for a looooong time, so I wanted it to be a lot of fun. And they assured me it was! Hooray!


  1. Sounds like JUST the weekend you needed! Quite wonderful and winning for everyone in the family. So pleased for you.
    Your work for your classes should really help this next week be a tiny bit less stressed. Happy you could get so much done.

  2. That sounds like a lovely restorative weekend.

    Sunday library opening! Jealous! I used to live in Twin Peaks and would go to the West Portal library every week.

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