These Days

My daughter is sick and we are scrambling to figure out coverage in these busy final work days before the holiday and break.

We’re also not sleeping much, because of the puking.

I’m feeling a little down these days. The holidays can do that to me. I miss friends who are no longer in my life. I miss family who has distanced themselves. I wonder what is wrong with me that I push so many people away. I know my loses are relatively small, but they still hurt. It’s just a dull ache in the background, but it’s there.

I’ve really struggled to stay focused at work this week, and then I can basically get nothing accomplished at home. I’ll have a lot of work to do over the break to get caught up. But today is basically my last real day of teaching as tomorrow is a short day with assemblies so I don’t have much of substance planned.

Not much else to say today, but at least I said something.


  1. You sound tired and discouraged which is super reasonable with a puking household … because when one child goes that way the odds are more in the family will be doing the same soon. Also the holidays are hard for the pressures they exert and the mental images of Norman Rockwell images that do not align with reality, and all the extra work that so often devolves on to just one adult in the family. And with puking and eczema it is totally on you.
    I repeat, Christmas will happen without wrapping and decorating and fancy meals ~~ the grinch movie, which I dislike, really does hit that nail correctly on the head. Go simple and only essentials. Anyone who wants more needs to step themself up to make it happen.
    Now, take some you time, go to bed earlier than usual, do take away meals instead of more money on gifts, spread out seeing family and discover that actually extends the season as well as making it more enjoyable as less pressured.
    Fingers crossed your puker is done and did not share, and that you discover you too get to take down time and celebrate. HUG GIANT HUGS AND SUPPORT!!!!
    Been there, done that, this is way better.

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