
Thank you for the kind and encouraging words after my last post. Thursday and Friday were really hard days for me. Thankfully, I’m feeling better after the weekend.

I took some much needed breaks from work this weekend. I worked late on Friday and early on Saturday, but then took Saturday afternoon through Sunday evening off. I worked again Sunday night but it felt more manageable after the break.

At this point, I would absolutely change things up to make them easier on myself but I just don’t know how. I don’t know what to give my students except what I’m giving them, and what I’m giving them takes an incredible amount of time to create, push out, and then review. If someone handed me a magic goose that honked out something else I could use, I’d absolutely post those golden eggs all over my google classrooms, but I haven’t found a goose like that yet. I’m really struggling. I don’t know how to make this easier for myself.

It’s so hard to find the time to get everything done, while also helping my own children do their work. I’m basically working on my own stuff, or helping them with theirs, for 90% of my waking hours. It’s not sustainable. Thank goodness we only have eight or nine weeks left of the school year, and my kids have one or two fewer.

This weekend was very much appreciated. We hit up the Great Highway again (third time for me in six days). This time we did the beach, at my daughter’s request.

I just started Untamed. My friend got me a copy!
I found three whole sand dollars!

It was a beautiful day and we stayed on the sand for over an hour. Then, to my surprised, they rallied to scooter too. We went eight blocks total and the kids had a great time!

Shorts and heavy jackets – the San Francisco dress code for a sunny day.

We also visited the duck pond that has become a weekly ritual, but this time there was a turtle. We got a video of it jumping back into the water, which thrilled the kids.

A picture taken right before he jumped back in the water.

On Sunday my kids played MarioKart against my sister and her boyfriend in London. They have been wanting to do that forever and were so stoked to finally get the chance.

They won their race… I think?

Then we went down to my parents’ backyard to try out their newly refurbished hot tub. My husband would have preferred we didn’t go, but he didn’t stop me. It’s hard because we frequently have different of ideas of what is appropriate right now – he will not leave our house for weeks at a time, but that would make me go crazy. So I do most of the shopping, and I take the kids out and he stays home. I know the visit was not essential, but we managed ourselves in a way I believe was safe. We follow the shelter-in-place guidelines pretty rigidly, but we also take advantage of special occasions when we can. (My husband parrots the “is it really essential?” line all the time, except when I’m getting stuff for the backyard, which is a project he cares about, so I remind him that we’re all blurring the lines when we it serves our purposes.)

The water wasn’t too hot, so they could put their faces under.

{I’ve been reading a lot of articles about how this won’t end, really, ever, and instead we need to change our mindset to reflect the fact that we’ll be living with this virus, and varying levels of restriction, for years. I think it’s appropriate to start finding ways to make what will likely be many more months of intense restrictions more sustainable both mentally and physically.}

I also got to go on a quick run while my kids were in the hot tub (my mom watched them from a chair) and I saw this llama getting it’s own afternoon stroll.

Llama walking here folks. Llama walking.

On the way home from my parents, we stopped at the nearby junior college and rode bikes in the empty parking lot. The kids thought it was awesome to have the entire parking lot all to themselves, and we stayed for over an hour.

It really was a nice weekend. My period is finally over and between the hormone shift, the time away from work, and the time outside, I’m feeling a lot better. (I’m also just not letting myself think about the next school year, at all.)

How was your weekend?


  1. That all looks lovely! I’m glad you were able to get a much-needed break from work.
    Honestly, I am kind of ignoring my children and their schooling on the days I need to see tele-health patients. I can’t do both. I’m glad they are scheduled during regular hours otherwise I’d fell like I should be home schooling all day and staying up late to work.

  2. Glad you had some time to you. You needed it desperately.
    Saw on news county below you is now saying no going more than 5 miles from your home. Hope that does not spread and impact you; that you are able to continue using the highway closure for yourself and children to be outside.
    Lovely to have been able to see your parents. Wishing so much I could see in person my children and grands. But not a good idea as one is too far to get to and the other family HAS to be exposed to possible infection. SO it is lovely to see pictures of your children!
    No idea how to help your overload of work. Do encourage you for your own benefit to track your emotional load each day and see how it moves/changes over weeks/months. Then you will KNOW what is hormonal changes and what to sort of anticipate and be less caught out over. Yes, experience speaking. Knowing when the world would be bleaker really helped and knowing that it was hormonal and would improve gave hope.
    Very best wishes and hope to all!

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