Big and small wins

Sorry for my pity party toddler tantrum last night. After I pressed publish I sat down and graded the fronts of 1.5 classes’ assessments AND finished the backside of one class. So I went from being 1/4 done to 2/3 done! Hurrah! I have grand ambitions to finish off another classes’ tonight.

At work today I made a service appointment for the car and an eye appointment – both for next week when I have so much time! I still can’t believe that happened. I was seriously going to ask if they had availability for the car the first week of January.

Finally, I went to PT and I think the exercises and stretches he gave me are going to help. I did one lower back release and held a plank for one minute and the movements that usually send pain down my leg were no problem! I’m trying not to get too excited but if this is all it takes to resolve pain I’ve been feeling for two years I’ll be thrilled.

APEC is in town this week which means Presidents Biden and Xi are in San Francisco as I type this. What a shit show downtown is going to be all week. I’m so glad I do not have to venture there. My husband and daughter do, and I really hope it’s not as bad as everyone fears. Still, not my immediate problem! Woot!

I’m in line to pick up my daughter’s ADHD medicine, which is always a giant PITA but is officially happening so I can’t really complain. (Well, I already did, and loudly, to my husband, so I’ll leave it that). As long as I am actually picking up the stuff when my number gets called I’ll be happy enough.

I still have to move everything out of my bathroom, but I’m not as annoyed by it after all I got done today. I just hope they really do finish by the end of the week. At least the plumbing part… my guess is we’ll have unfinished floors in there for way longer than I’d like.

UPDATE: Getting my daughters Rx filled truly sucked but it’s over and I have it so I’m letting it go. Still need to deal with the bathroom, but dinner is almost done.

Here’s to big and small wins!


  1. I missed your post yesterday so I had to go back and read about the bathroom. Just so you know… we redid our kitchen in August and the floor still isn’t done. We’re living with cracked tiles and trying to decide what we’re going to do about it… ugh.
    Glad you’re feeling better! Getting ahead (or at least less behind) on work always helps.
    Do you have sciatica? Is that the pain that goes down your leg? I sure hope this PT is going to fix the problem. Living with chronic pain is also very stressful.
    I forgot to mention it yesterday, but glad the cats survived the vet visit!

  2. PT is so amazing. Like…oh, this weird thing you’ve had for a long time? Just stretch it like this three times a day and it will go away. HOW DO THEY KNOW ALL THIS?

    1. That’s basically what happened and I was slack jawed. I guess Dr. Google doesn’t have anything on an actual PT appointment. So mad I waited so long.

      Also wanted to let you know that I can’t comment on your blog. I’ve tried from my phone and my computer but I can’t seem to comment on Blogger blogs anymore. I even made myself a Blogger account and it still doesn’t work!

  3. Yay for small wins! You are crushing it!

    The ADHD medication issue — whew. I’m so sorry you are going through it. So many shortages! The last time I was at the pharmacy, there was a guy waiting there when I arrived… and even though I had to wait awhile for the pharmacist to give me a flu shot, he was still there the whole time. Right at the tail end of my appointment, I heard the pharmacy tech telling him that they THOUGHT they’d had the medication he needed in stock, but turns out they didn’t, so could he come back. YIKES. What a pain! And they couldn’t even guarantee there would be enough in the next day’s delivery. All they could do was ask him to call before he came in.

  4. HUGE wins all over yesterday’s posts. Congratulations!! The biggest win of all being the ADHD meds issue. I am hearing people saying they are going 2 weeks or more without any of that being available where they are. It sounds like everyone is pointing fingers at others for the shortages … and as this has been on going at least all year there does seem to be something rotten happening.
    SO glad you are getting the papers covered. I LOVE when you can vacation on holidays and weekends.

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