Bull$#!^ at work

Work today (Wednesday) was pretty infuriating. My principal engaged me in some crazy circular reasoning about why she couldn’t give me access to data right now, even though she will eventually. I don’t understand what this weird gatekeeping is about, but it’s wasting my time and I’m tired of it. I kept saying, if you share the data with me I could answer that question, and she kept explaining that she hadn’t had time to look at the data. But I don’t need you to look at it! I want to look at it myself. And if you don’t have time why don’t you just let me do it!? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.

Then we went to the most incredible waste of time meeting, where we were basically introduced to a behavior management program we’ve been using for two years. It was the kind of presentation you should require in August, when you’re reminding teachers of why you’re using a program. It’s definitely not something to show them in May when there are only 4 weeks left of school.

Maybe if we’d met to discuss how the program worked for us this year, to identify successes and areas of concern to focus on next year, it would have been almost worthwhile. But instead we just reviewed the system generally – its history and why it’s better than punitive behavior management. It didn’t even present actually strategies to implement the program. It was just such a massive waste of time and I want so badly to know who thought it was something we should be doing on the Wednesday before our “Celebration of Learning.” Fucking nuts.

Then our principal sent out a totally inappropriate email asking us to sign up to cover for teachers who are out over the next few weeks. Asking us to cover isn’t inappropriate, but the tone and explanations for why they couldn’t get subs were. It especially rubbed me the wrong way after that massive waste of time we were forced to sit through all afternoon, when there were so many other, more productive ways, we could have been spending those hours.

It’s this kind of shit that makes teachers quit. Today makes me think about quitting, and I rarely do that anymore.


  1. Sorry. Been there on your end of things.
    Get outside and be physical.
    Consider an axe throwing time out.
    Remember to laugh.

  2. I basically think there is no such thing as a useful staff meeting or professional development at this time in the year. It’s almost physically painful to sit through the bad ones when we have so much work we could be doing. I do feel a little sympathy for the presenters though because they often have no choice.

  3. Ugh, sorry you had such a frustrating day. If it makes you feel any better, pointless meetings and b.s. manager crap is something most of us deal with at work no matter what our profession, so it’s not just you! Definitely a crazy busy time of year for teachers tho – ridiculous someone in administration there isn’t being more cognizant of that. I hope today goes better for you!

  4. That sounds very frustrating-our time as teachers is so, so valuable and shouldn’t be wasted on meaningless stuff. Unfortunately, unless you (the teacher) is seeking PD out for yourself, it will probably continue being meaningless and one size fits all.

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