I finished up the first week and a half of work feeling like I was totally fucked and there was no way I could make it through the year with my sanity intact. T...
I finished up the first week and a half of work feeling like I was totally fucked and there was no way I could make it through the year with my sanity intact. T...
I ended up getting the bug two hours after I wrote about my son getting it. He and I spent the night throwing up together. At one point I was on his bed, throwi...
This has been a tough week. I’m relieved it’s almost over. Monday and Tuesday my son wasn’t allowed at school. We were so fortunate that my in...
There is this thing I’m kind of weird about. It has to do with my clothes. The thing is that I can only wear clothes that match my body’s cleanlines...
Tomorrow (Tuesday) morning my kids and I head to the local (ridiculously expensive) lice-experts to get our heads checked. The checks are free (during a short t...
I have one week until my daughter’s school starts on Monday 8/15. That Wednesday is my first required professional development day. We’re in the fin...
I am a bit of a type A personality. When it comes to the precious moments when I can actually get things done, I like to have a plan that uses those moments wis...
I’m back. I’ve been back for four days, actually. I returned very late Sunday night to a house in full quarantine and spent Monday caring for my sic...