You’d Think I’d Know…
You’d think as an adult who has ADHD, who grew up with a parent who has ADHD, and also a teacher who has taught a great many children with ADHD, I would k...
You’d think as an adult who has ADHD, who grew up with a parent who has ADHD, and also a teacher who has taught a great many children with ADHD, I would k...
Tonight is my 20 year high school reunion. I will admit that I’m excited. I have some good friends from high school that I rarely see, and I know most of ...
It took me all of last week to finish my daughter’s room. There is still much to do, but now it’s ready for guests. I love it. I want it. I would ha...
We leave for our trip on Wednesday afternoon, and I have to admit, I’m feeling a fair amount of trepidation. I think a lot of it is just about getting eve...
On Thursday my daughter’s friend’s mom informed me that they were moving to North Carolina that very night, and did I know anyone who wanted two twi...
As I predicted I didn’t get to bed until 1am and was up later than I wanted this morning. I did a shit job packing, forgetting a number of important thing...
Well, whether I’m done or not, I’ll probably go to bed tonight around 1am, and it will be over. Except I have to change my kids’ beds in the m...
My son can ride a two-wheeler now! (My daughter can too!) But we still need to find safe, bike-friendly spots for them to ride. It was driving me crazy to take ...
I started the second season of The Handmaid’s Tale last week. I’m quite a few episodes in. I watch it by myself, but frequently my husband is in the...
Yesterday I didn’t get much done on the house because I had to check in on my application at the office of short-term rentals. Turns out no one has even b...