Reconciling the Hard
I have over 200 blogs in my reader and yesterday there were three posts. All day. This morning there were five. I guess the summer doldrums are already here. My...
I have over 200 blogs in my reader and yesterday there were three posts. All day. This morning there were five. I guess the summer doldrums are already here. My...
I finished today’s other post on my phone last night, and it seems those concluding paragraphs have been lost in the ether. This is not the first time the...
Today I was faced with a situation at work that had me lamenting my biggest weakness as a teacher: classroom management. I have read so many books, been to so m...
Yesterday I used half of our tax return to pay off the remaining $2,606.66 of my student loans. It felt amazing. I know I’m very lucky that my parents pai...
…is paradise.
I suppose I made it through the month without losing my shit, since it didn’t officially happen until this morning. So, yay me? I really f*cking hate cryi...
I’m still stumbling around in the area of personal finance, totally unsure of what I should be doing. It seems supremely fucked up that at 35 I have no id...
My daughter’s school district is off today for Lunar New Year (the fuck?!). It wasn’t even on my radar and thank god my daughter didn’t turn i...
Remember that thing I mentioned in yesterday’s post; my idea for how I could get away, that I can’t actually afford? This is it: I want a yurt in ou...
I bite my nails. And the skin around them. It’s a disgusting habit, one I’ve tried to conquer for over a decade. It’s about anxiety, anx...