Epic Re-entry Fail

So I went to St. Louis for over two weeks and wrote ZERO posts and then got back and continued writing ZERO posts and now it’s Wednesday and I’m feeling bad about it.

But not that bad because PRIORITIES and a lot of the time (increasingly, I’ve noticed) this space is just not one of them.

St. Louis was really fun. My kids are older every year (so weird how that happens!) and also more fun do to things with (not so weird how that happens!) and so ALL THE THINGS are MORE FUN!

{I hope to write more about it but I have a shit track record with follow through when I write things like that.}

We got back late Sunday and had to go grocery shopping and get ready for camps for the kids and my professional development for me and a full work day for my husband and it was absolutely the shit show you are guessing it might have been. It was rough.

Monday was ever rougher. It was just an absolute cluster f***. A truly epic re-entry fail. I planned on writing all about it, bullet pointing every shitty moment but now that 36 hours have passed I’m feeling… meh… about rehashing it here. Please just take my word for it – Monday was a shitty day and re-entry is a bitch.

Tuesday was better, but just as busy. Today is the first day this week where I’m not scheduled until the moment I fall asleep. There is a lot to get caught up on at home.

How has your summer been so far!?

1 Comment

  1. I cannot tell you how lovely it is to see you here again. I am so sorry the re-entry has been hard and nasty. Much sympathy.
    I do not write a blog so I have no right to hope you will continue. It has been a tough summer. Lots and lots of waiting on doctors and tests and delays about possible really scary health things re one of my children, and no diagnosis. Age does not make it easier. I have repeatedly looked to see if you were writing here again because you give me hope, and then reminded myself that I need to reach inside myself for courage as you do.
    Please take time to be good to you. You are much cared about.
    Thank you for all the years of writing you have done. You have made a difference for my life.
    I really hope your summer now clears and calms and you are revitalized.
    Thank you.

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