Five on Friday: First Day of Break

Break has officially started! I already feel so much better than I did last night.


I got out before the fog came in. It was so nice to be out in the sun. And it was nice to get a break from the kids in the middle of the day. I came back feeling energized.

Fog on the far side of the park. I mostly avoided it.

Fused Beads

Both kids got a fused bead set from our Elf on the Shelf, who knew we’d need a little something to do today. My son’s was a Mandalorian set. I made Asohka and he made Boba Fett and R2-D2. My daughter got a Sanrio set and I made the frog. I made mine into ornaments.


Library + Glasses

We picked up some books on hold, and I found a couple more I’m hoping my son will read over the break. He’s at that stage where he could read longer books but he’s loathe to actually do it. It’s been hard finding books he’s interested in. If we let him he’ll just read Big Nate comics on his pad all day.

On the way I got my new glasses adjusted. They were a mess and I wasn’t really wearing them because of it. But now they are fixed and I like them a lot. I’m so pleased that worked out because they’ll be closed for a while.

Starter Villain

My son and I are listening to John Scalzi’s Starter Villain. It is NOT a kids book. Or even a YA novel. There is a ton of swearing. So. Many. F-bombs. And we both love it. It’s smart and funny and my son is super into it. We laugh a lot. Will Wheaton is a great narrator. It’s fun to have a book just we are listening to, as opposed to the Lockwood & Co. series that the whole family listens to (we’re on the last one of that now!) We listened to it while we did fused beads today, and while we folded the kitchen towels.


One of my last minute Christmas presents was a deck-building game called Dominion. It came today and I decided my son and I should play it, instead of wrapping it. So we did. And it was really fun. I think it will become a family favorite.

We also watched an episode of Monarch tonight. It’s good, but we’re caught up and have to wait for the next episode. My kids have so rarely watched shows like that. It’s kind of funny to see them deal with the waiting.

I didn’t get any decluttering done today, but I’m okay with that. I did a ton of laundry and the house is in decent shape, despite us having out in it all day. Hopefully I’ll get a little more done tomorrow.

I have had a couple instances where I needed something random and knew it exactly where it was, because of the decluttering. That was pretty awesome and it’s giving me the incentive I need to keep going.


  1. Ah, memories. My son and I used to love those Big Nate books. And I did those fused bead kits with my daughter! I hope you’ve had time to decompress, and that you and your family are having a wonderful Christmas.

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