Gotta get on it!

The winter break is fast approaching, and I do not feel like I have a handle on how those two weeks are going to play out. My sister is in town – I haven’t seen her in two years! – so I want to make sure I know what the f*** I’m doing for those two weeks.

But there is so much to do at work before Thursday. And after actually because three of my classes are finishing an assessment on Thursday. It’s easy to just keep plowing through work stuff and leaving the Xmas break for later.

But “later” will be too late! So I need to take some time to sit down and plan some shit. Maybe tomorrow. If I just think of a couple things I want us to do and then ask her what days she might want to do them, that would make me feel better.

I don’t really have much to say tonight. December has been kind of bust as far as decent posts go. I was distracted by the martial arts test prep and then so depleted once it was over. It was like my brain space just went derp (as my daughter likes to say).

I will say that our holiday party got messed up because of the rain and I’m a lot more disappointed about it than I expected. We were supposed to have the party at a staff members (big, beautiful $3+ million dollar) house but now there is just lunch at school and then meeting at a bar spot some where. I was already really frustrated that they were having it on Wednesday when we have school again on Thursday (why?!) and now it just feels like a PTA sponsored lunch, except we’re all paying for it via our social committee dues. And then we have to go pay more money to be at a bar in the middle of the day. Ugh.

I really wanted a chance to socialize with other staff but I feel like that is not really going to happen in this situation and it bums me out. I’m so isolated at my job, I’ve been trying hard to go to social stuff with other staff, and the holiday party has traditionally been really fun. I’m annoyed it ended up being such a big fat bummer this year.

I have no plans with my friends either because different people will be seeing family during different parts of the two weeks so it didn’t really work out. Boo.

But it will be AMAZING to see my sister. I cannot wait for that. I gotta focus on the positive, because there is plenty of it at this time of year.

What do holiday parties look like around your parts this year? Anything you’re looking forward to?


  1. After 10 years, I’m quitting my job running the medical center, and my last day is TOMORROW. Feeling very overwhelmed at how much I need to complete before then…. but also very excited. Friday morning we leave for the airport at 6am and fly to San Diego with my inlaws. We will spend 1 night there and then fly from Tijuana to Mazatlan to meet up with my brother-in-law and his wife & kids from Dec 18-28. Back to San Diego Dec 28-31 (over my husband’s 40th – our best friends are flying in to spend those days with us), then back home. I haven’t taken a 2 week vacation since I was 14!!!! (Worked every summer and then always in my adult life). I have a lot of change and transition coming up in my life, so I’m both terrified & excited!

    Have so much fun with your sister!

  2. Super happy for you that you get to see a sister you like and enjoy. Yes. Sit down, plan for that time. Plan for time over the holidays that is refreshing and renewing for your spirit. I have not found your posts to be lacking this month at all. I have been very grateful for them. I found them real and therefore supportive and encouraging. (Why yes, things in my life have been stressful.) You wild ability to achieve more in less time is always a support. So yes, plan for your own needs and I am wishing the joy of this season to sustain and refresh and renew your energy for January.

  3. Nada on holiday parties here. I’m fairly sure my husband would either kill or divorce me if I even tried to attend a holiday party right now because of the pandemic. This, despite being 3X vaccinated, and the fact this isolation is sucking the life from me.

    1. I’m sorry- I have struggled with this (my husband being more cautious than I feel I can maintain) but he’s finally coming around a little. The isolation is getting to both of us big time and I think he’s finally realizing it. Good luck to you!

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