Happenings around here

Some happenings around here:

It’s been quite chilly – highs in the 40s – and I’m VERY glad we got our downstairs heater fixed in November. I’m also loving leg warmers, which actually keep my legs warm! It’s not just a clever name! I’ve been wearing them with my holiday leggings and Uggs almost every day.

It’s December 20th and I’m STILL AT SCHOOL. Tomorrow and Thursday are minimum days. Yesterday was supposed to be a regular day but a water main broke and they had to shut off the water at 11:30am so we had to dismiss students early. It was an absolute shit show, but I was relieved because I didn’t do any work over the weekend and realized when I walked into my classroom at 7:30am that I was kinda screwed. Not having to meet with my 5th or 6th periods helped me out.

The weekend was obviously not worked-filled. My parents took the kids on Saturday and my husband and I went out for dinner and drinks. Sunday we went to brunch and I wrapped presents before heading down to my parents’ house to join them at WinterFest, the holiday themed extravaganza at our theme park. It was VERY cold (36* by the time we left!) so we only lasted a few hours, but it was fun to see the lights and go on a few rides.

Monday I had to drag my ass to work at 7am, but as you read above, the day was short. I ran an errand on the way to my parents’ house, where I picked up my kids. Monday night I scored the tests and projects I had not gotten to over the weekend, so today at work was a lot better.

But it was still stressful because I had to attend a 504 meeting during 5th period, which was one of the classes we missed yesterday because of the water main break. So now that class is WAAAAAY behind. I’m not sure if I want to scramble to get them caught up of just say fuck it and figure it out in January. (I’m leaning toward the latter, mostly because five kids were out last week and have some portion of their big assessment to make up).

Tonight I’m going to sparring, which I’m excited about. My husband rocked it hosting my son’s friend and then my daughter’s friends and now he is totally wiped, but he’s still telling me I should go to sparring, so I’m going to go. I need some time away from my house and family and the dojo is closed the rest of the break.

Tomorrow is our holiday party at school. Thursday we get out early and I may run after work. My husband is taking the the rest of the week off, and we may hit up a museum on Friday. Honestly, I’m tired and I just want to get the weekend over with. I’m ready to be done with Christmas, but I always feel that way right before it finally happens.

How are you doing? What’s happening around your parts?

1 Comment

  1. Saw Fairmont Gingerbread House today. What a GIANT disappointment after knowing the one at the St. Francis. The difference was jaw dropping. Hope St Francis goes back to doing theirs.
    Beyond that, found SF much less populated than normal at the holidays; both near Union Sq AND massively so on Montgomery! Had seen reports in newspapers but it was impressive seeing the change in person in middle of week. Covid impacts and changes in where people are working.
    Glad you have only two shortish days until break! Know you will make it to the break which you will enjoy and also hopefully get ahead of prep work.
    Think of you daily and wishing you and your readers a joyous holiday season and a new year of peace, kindness, love and happy laughter. (When sending wishes let’s go big!) Thank you all for this year of support!

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