Next Year

I’m thinking a lot about the next school year because… I love dwelling anywhere but the present!

There is a lot to think about. Some things changing, some staying the same. Here is what is swirling around my head, in no specific order:

– Daughter is staying at her current school, though we may put in for a transfer during the lottery (if some significant changes aren’t made).

– Son will be at a TK near daughter’s school, though I haven’t gotten the final confirmation we secured a spot in aftercare yet.

– Due to a 5 minute change in my first school’s start time, I can no longer have 1st period prep next year. We still haven’t determined how we’re going to structure drop off, but this adds a significant amount of stress to the equation (we can make it work but it will be harder for all involved).

– I will have my classroom back! (Woot!)

– I will still be traveling to the other campus. (Boo.) This is their plan in perpetuity, not a short term fix.

– I don’t yet know what my final class will be. I dislike this uncertainty and it probably won’t be resolved for a while.

– I am staying on as PTA President. We have a strong board and the only woman who is terming out is the one who basically stopped participating earlier this year. I believe things will be easier next year because we already know what we are doing and I want to continue the progress we have been making. I also want to be involved with the creation of the Beacon at the school next year (a significant amount of money will be coming in to create community support programs at the school).

– My in-laws will most likely (the refuse to confirm this but I would bet my savings on its certainty) be living in Texas to provide child care to my SIL. This no longer stresses me out much because we’ve survive a really stressful year without them, and I know we can do it again. Also…

– My mom will finally be retired! Woot!

So yeah. Lots to think about. Only 7 more weeks until summer break. And them all of the above.


  1. You teach Spanish; is that not your exclusive subject to teach? Or might your final class be some other subject? Slightly confused because out of touch with how classes to be taught are assigned to teachers.
    Sounds like lots of change with all the major details but a consistency underlying it. Your daughter’s school is lucky to have you in the PTA, hope next year is less stressful and that you do not increase that load!
    Cheers and still glad you had the time in England!

  2. Ditto that your child’s school is lucky to have you in the PTA! And glad to hear you finally have a classroom again.

    When is the lottery you mention regarding a possible transfer for your daughter? And what does your mom’s retirement mean for you and your family? Is she willing/interested in helping on a regular basis (e.g. facilitating your tricky drop-off schedule) or would it be more occasional fill-ins when other options aren’t available?

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