Shelter in place

As of 12:01am this morning, the Bay Area is officially instructed to “shelter in place.” We are only allowed to leave are home to buy food or medicine, or to care for others. I guess if we’re caught not doing this, there could be legal consequences.

I am going to work tomorrow to grab some materials I need to provide distance learning to my students. Evidently schools are considered critical service providers and teachers are critical personnel (phrasing?) so I’m supposed to say that if I get pulled over on my way there. (?!) So I don’t get arrested?! This is absolute insanity.

Today was the first day I was expected to provide distance learning for my students while guiding my own children through theirs. It… did not go well. I do think it will get better as we have fewer zoom meetings as a staff, and I don’t have to write so many “this is how distance learning in my classes is going to go” letters to students and their families.

It’s a lot. It’s so, so much.

I suppose with shelter in place we’re not supposed to go outside for any reason, but I will be taking my children out at least once a day. We’ll hit up big open spaces where we won’t cross paths with people. Truly, if we get arrested, so be it. I just can’t stay locked in my house without seeing friends or extended family for three weeks and keep my sanity.

{My husband, who works for the city, just assured me that recreation is an essential activity and that we are allowed to spend time outside as long as we practice social distancing. Yay!}

I feel like I should have more to say, but right now I have to write plans for my students for tomorrow. It’s going to be a really long three weeks, after which we may learn that we’re not going back for the rest of the school year.

I suppose we’ll see. Everything now is uncertainty.


  1. My county board of supes is considering shelter in place this morning. I really hope they pass it. Scared for my husband whose job can’t be done remotely (fixing cars).

  2. Good luck! There are a lot of social distancing measures in place in my state (Arizona), but so far we have not been instructed to stay inside. I am actually typing this from my office and doing my best to stay 4 feet or more away from people (doable because I have an office with a door that closes).

    These are crazy times.

  3. Saw downtown SF this morning looking like ghost town. I was returning home from caretaking situation. Virtually all homeless are off the streets. I do not know how that happened but impressive and it means it can be done. I think anyone homeless who is still out there living rough is in deep hiding.
    You have to read the regs carefully, clearly it is easier to walk a dog than to hold the hand of your child if taking them for a walk; but I think people taking a child out will not be misunderstood as breaking the rules. But no playground and even in parks children of separate households have to maintain 6 foot distance.
    It makes me pause.
    And then I remember the truth about our current ability to provide medical care to those sick from this virus. We must flatten the curve. I do not want to die because there is no ventilator to keep me alive and not enough morphine to make me comfortable in the end. I do not want healthcare workers to leave orphaned children. I do not want anyone to have to decide who will live and who will die from a lack of planning and medical care. Vote in November.
    I have seen the packet of homework elementary school teachers have provided to their students. I am certain junior and senior high teachers have done the same. It has been an Amazing and Awe inspiring achievement. And in a short turn around time. The 3rd grader in my life has 4-5 hrs of work for 5 days each week for the next 4 weeks, to be increased by uploads if the closure continues thereafter, including on-line class time and circle sharing time, instructions for adult at home helpers and suggestions about how to pace the day and the importance of formal scheduled ‘recess’, lunch and snack time. Lots of teachers in my life and family; this is amazing achievement.
    Thank you NWWord for this blog and your professional work.

  4. Welp, our county just issued shelter in place. We now have 2 cases confirmed. (Only 86 people out of almost 500K tested so far)

  5. I’m in Placer Co, but have been reading a lot about Shelter in Place. So far they are saying it’s fine to go outside to walk the dog or run or whatever but you still need to keep the 6 feet between yourself and others. Also, if you’re essential worker and going to work (like going to get the supplies you should be fine if you have to explain that) And, the article I read said police were going to “educate not cite” (it would be a misdemeanor anyway) I always work remotely so that part isn’t new. The empty store shelves. Yeah. That’s new. Knowing I shouldn’t see friends/family is hard. Really hard- I moved here specifically so I wouldn’t be socially isolated.

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