Socks (and no sleep) are my kryptonite

My kids are not sleeping well these days. My daughter is having nightmares that make her terrified to go to sleep. Even if she does sleep in my bed she tosses and turns and calls out all night. 

My son wakes up every night between 3 and 4am. At one point he was really sick and we went back to giving him some warm milk when he woke up. Now, months later, I’m attempting to break the habit and it’s been…challenging. Last night he cried for over an hour. This week is going to be painful, but I know he won’t stop waking up in the early morning if I don’t stop giving him warm milk. 

The only good news on the sleep front is that this week is my spring break, so I can afford to be exhausted. 

Yesterday I picked up the house in preparation for a cleaning lady that is coming tomorrow. Things had gotten quite dire and the state of house was causing me a lot of stress. It took me a good four hours to get the house to a place where a cleaning lady could tackle it. That may seem like a long time for a 1200 sq ft house, but it was actually quite affirming. There was a time when one day would not have been long enough for me to get the house in order, so I was pretty happy with how much I got done. 

Seriously though, how can I be so bad with socks? Yet again I found them everywhere! Socks are my kryptonite. 


  1. Dude, straightening up the house in 4 hours is great! We did that on Saturday, and it took us darn near that long with all of us working on it. Ha! Socks annoy me, but this winter it’s been the thin little gloves – we started out with like 15 pairs (thanks to birthday & Christmas gifts from grandparents) for the kids, and we now have 3 pairs, 10 singles, and 2 sets entirely missing. Ridiculous!

  2. I thought that unmatched socks and gloves were the new fashion statement. Consider that idea. Also matching up socks is good pattern recognition and just sticking the toe of one into the throat of the other one is fast easy and can be done by young children.
    4 hours to tidy enough for a cleaner to do their job, given 4 people in a small place and only one adult doing the tidy job once it has hit bombed status, is actually quite good and totally qualifies you for a reward of your choice. Mani/pedi, coffee out, movie time in middle of day, an hour of free reading, afternoon nap, bouquet of flowers, quiet walk (esp if it is dry today), something for just you! Super well done, take bow, we all are proud of you!

  3. Could it be possible for you to sleep a night or two at you parents’ home (or your in-laws, or in a hotel)? We did this sometimes, taking turns, when our son was completely impossible at night. Sending strength. Sleep deprivation is bad.

  4. When my girls were small, people were forever on about them not wearing socks because they hated them. Now they litter the socks everywhere so I would love a return to no socks. No sleep is the worst. I hope things solve themselves soon, somehow, so you get some proper rest.

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