Some positive thoughts on this, the last day of summer vacation

Today is officially my last day of summer. Tomorrow I am contractually obligated to be on campus, attending a full day of meetings.

To mark this day, which I can’t really believe is here, I want to use this post to point out all the ways the glass is half full right now.

  • My kids and I are slated to start in person this fall. For all the anxiety I feel over all of us spending the day with others while Delta is circulating, I would be devastated to start the year in distance learning again. I think one of the reasons I’m so frustrated by starting the year under these circumstances is that we were NOT in school last year when community spread was so much less likely. If we had been learning in person last year, it would have been a lot easier to accept the increased risk presented by the delta variant.
  • The sun has been poking through the fog almost daily, which very much buoys my mental health. The weather down by where I work has also been lovely – I forgot how important the weather down there is for my overall well being! And so far our air quality has only crept into the yellow despite the second-largest wildfire in California history raging up north. The same wind patterns that make SF a desolate fog bank all summer are at least keeping the smoke away. That won’t be the case when fires are raging in the fall.
  • This morning was my last carpool trip to sailing camp! I am so happy not to be battling the bridge traffic any longer.
  • My surfaces are still clear! I’ve actually been able to keep the clutter at bay. I’m trying to be very aware of the junk that encroaches on our living spaces and be proactive around transitions that facilitate that encroachment. After the car pulls into the garage I need to spend a good 10 minutes making sure everything gets where it ultimately needs to go, instead of languishing in the entry way, or on the stairs, or in the kitchen. Making sure my kids pick up their stuff at the end of the day is also paramount.
  • My new classroom is almost entirely mine. Besides two giant standing table bars that maintenance needs to move out of my new room, and three pieces of furniture that the janitorial staff needs to move out of my old room, the moving of rooms is complete. Almost all my boxes are unpacked. Now I just need to organize stuff, which I rather like doing.
  • {My old classroom, along with all the other modular classrooms on campus, are getting new carpeting which means ALL furniture is being removed and then replaced haphazardly. I am SO GLAD that is not happening in my new classroom, where most of the furniture is where I ultimately want it.}
  • My husband ordered a new pillow that is recommended for people who snore. I really hope it helps with his snoring, but even if it just helps with his neck pain (it’s for people who sleep on their sides), I’ll be happy.
  • The CBD drops I got (I use Care By Design’s 8:1 CDB/THC) are helping with my anxiety. Or better said, they are helping with the physical symptoms my brain interprets as anxiety (isn’t it crazy that most emotions we “feel” are really our brains’ interpretations of bodily sensations?!) It is so nice not to feel like I’m spiraling all the time.
  • I am not going to my classroom today, on the last weekday where that is an option (and for the first time in 1.5 weeks!) Instead I’m spending the day with my son who is not in camp this week. We’re going to Stagecoach Greens, a little outdoor mini golf spot that I love. I’m excited to spend some one-on-one time with him before the school year starts.
  • My principal sent me my schedule a little early (I asked if I had zero period, and she sent me my entire schedule in her response). I do NOT have zero period, which is probably for the best. I’m teaching four 7th and 8th grade Spanish classes, which is twice as much as I’ve ever taught (in person). I’m also teaching one 6th grade Spanish class on the wheel. I have 4th period prep, which is against lunch. It’s a solid schedule and I’m happy with it.
  • Perhaps most importantly, with both kids at new schools that don’t start until 8:40 and 9:30am, I will not be participating in the mornings at home with my kids. I am SO HAPPY about this. Leaving early for work, before my kids wear me down with their morning whining and fighting, is truly the best case scenario. It means I’ll be solo more in the early evenings, but I’m fine with that.
  • We don’t have anything planned this weekend, which is how I like it. I definitely need to get out of the house, but I like when that happens when and how I want it to. Saturday is Free Comic Book Day so we’ll probably head out to our favorite comic book store and snag a few titles.
  • Monday my kids start school. They are both at new schools and while I know the fall will be an absolute shit show, I am so thankful they get to be in their classrooms. I really do think that is the most important thing (for my kids, in our specific situation).

What is making your glass seem half full these days?


  1. Holding my breath with schools opening. Very impressed how much u r being positive & organized about. Very proud for you.

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