Super Fast Weekend Recap

As you’ll see on Monday’s time tracking sheet, I’m writing this late. So I need to keep it short. Here are a couple highlights from each day, with my time tracking added too.

Saturday Highlights

My son and I took a trip to Target. I was getting a gift card for a friend whose baby came very early (he’s still in the NICU, but should be home soon), and my son was spending his Christmas gift card. He did a great job! He didn’t get mad when things cost more than he had, and he ended up getting a game instead of a toy. I was really pleased by how it went.

My parents picked up the kids at 3pm and I got to spend the afternoon and evening with my husband. It wasn’t without some bumpy moments, but it was a much needed break. I picked up Chinese food from a place we like and we watched a movie my husband had been wanting to see. It was really good.

Sunday Highlights

It was nice to sleep in on Sunday, though I only made it to 8:30am. My husband and I started the day pretty lazy, with two episodes of Succession and some pizza for breakfast.

I got the baby gifts ready and brought them over to my friend. It was her daughter’s 12 birthday, and I had a gift for her too (her daughter is friends with my daughter). It was nice to see them briefly and give them a little something to celebrate.

Sunday was also my mom’s 70th birthday. My dad, my mom and I went for a walk in my favorite park after the brought the kids home, then we had dinner at one of my favorite restaurants (her pick, but it’s a favorite of mine too). My mom was very happy to spend some time with me on her big day, and she was surprised that I had a present for her. It was nice to spend that time with them, and to know my mom felt she was being celebrated, despite having such a big birthday be ruined by the pandemic.

I spent the evening hosting two of my friends and their daughters. Both have had Covid relatively recently so we haven’t seen each other in a while. It was so nice to just sit and chat with them. The girls had a blast playing video games in the garage too.

Monday Highlights

Monday was supposed to be a pretty low key day, but my son was feeling left out that his sister not only had friends over on Sunday night, but also got to go to a friend’s house on Monday. His best friend was not available on Monday, and when I asked if we should try to find someone else to have over, or just do something fun ourselves, he chose the latter. So when I saw there were tickets to the Art of the Brick, which we’d been wanting to see, I grabbed them for my son and I (my husband and I agreed that he needed some down time so he declined to join us).

The Art of the Brick was a really great installation and my son loved it. We’ve actually taken him to quite a few museums in the past year and we’ve been surprised by how well he does; he’s genuinely interested in most of the art we’ve seen. He’s a massive LEGO fan, so I knew he would be into this exhibit, but I was not prepared for how much he loved it. I don’t think he was either. We both had a great time.

We walked to the Ferry Building after for an ice cream and I let him get two scoops with hot fudge and caramel. He was in heaven. He let me help him eat it and we barely made it through the sugar and cream monstrosity. It was very, very good, and my son proclaimed the afternoon “epic,” which made me quite pleased. It was nice to spend the time with him, and nice to make those memories.

This week is short (hooray!) and without in person marital arts it’s less busy, but there is a lot going on at work. Tomorrow I’m teaching the lesson that I was teaching last year when I had the panic attack on zoom. I’m really not looking forward to it, as I associate this lesson with that horrible day, but it needs to get done so I’m getting it over with first thing.

I hope this week is uneventful. We shall see.

1 Comment

  1. Hope today’s lesson went well and you got past the prior bad experience.
    As always you were super busy and got SO MUCH accomplished. Always impressive and so glad you had time with your mom on her birthday. Also delighted you and spouse had time together without children or others. So important for maintaining relationship while raising children.
    Congratulations, Best wishes and huge support for all the time tracking!

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